CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Lab Rats'

CSI Files


While the CSIs are away, the lab techs will play! David Hodges gathers Mandy Webster, Archie Johnson and Henry Andrews in Grissom's office to examine the miniature crime scenes left behind at four different murders. Hodges tells them Grissom wants the input of the lab team. They recall the miniature killer's first victim, rocker Izzy Delancy ("Built to Kill, Part Two"), the second victim, elderly Penny Garden ("Post Mortem"), the third, Raymundo Suarz ("Loco Motives") and the fourth, an undercover officer impersonating therapist Barbara Tallman ("Monster in the Box"). After Raymundo's murder, the CSIs managed to connect a man named Ernie Dell to the all three victims, but the miniature that arrived after his suicide ruled him out as the killer. His son, Lionel, was questioned, but he suggested the killer might be one of Ernie's many foster children.

To Hodges' consternation, Wendy Simms involves herself in the case, calling a number that appeared on all the victims' phone bills from Hodges' cell phone. The techs try to come up with a common thread between the cases, and Hodges accidentally breaks off a part of one of the miniatures--a tiny replica of a box of bleach. Wendy asks Sara about why Grissom would ask Hodges to help with the case and when Sara implies he probably didn't, she confronts Hodges. Undeterred, Hodges continues to study the miniatures, and realizes the bleach is a common tie between all four. When he points this out to Grissom, the CSI finds the information valuable, and wonders if bleach is a trigger for the killer.


A clever approach to a clip show that helps viewers who may have missed episodes throughout the season get caught up on the miniature killer case, "Lab Rats" is good fun and provides a new clue in the case, thanks to the careful work of the lab techs. CSI by its very nature doesn't often get a chance to be completely light-hearted, but this episode plays with CSI conventions, highlighting in a humorous way the amount of work that gets dumped on the lab techs, the way they deal with it and the occasional pitfalls of the job--like discovering a rat in a bloated body!


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There was also a lot of homour in the main-stream characters -- Kath's argument that she isn't getting as good a case as greg's; which Griss replies to by syaing she wouldn't want Greg's; and later we find out Greg was nose-deep in filth. Or the 3-way melee between Griss, Doc Robins and Super-Scary Rodent.
That is true--the original cast had some humorous "walk on" moments. I thought that was fun--to see the CSIs that we've come to know on a weekly basis through the eyes of people who don't get to see as much of them as we do.