CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Dead Doll'

CSI Files


Picking up where last season's finale "Living Doll" left off, Grissom and co. begin a frantic search for Sara, who was abducted by Natalie Davis, the miniature crime scene killer. As the CSIs scour Natalie's apartment and the garage where Natalie abducted Sara, the episode flashes back to the moment when Natalie surprised Sara in the parking garage, just after Sara had learned of the killer's identity from Grissom. Natalie tasered Sara, but when Sara woke up in the trunk of Natalie's car, she was able to free herself and make her way into the main section of the car by tearing off the speaker. She fought with Natalie but ended up tumbling from the car, allowing Natalie to recapture her. Sara tried to reason with the killer, but Natalie drugged her and when Sara next woke, Natalie lowered a car onto her, trapping one of her hands between the car and a rock. Natalie left her and Sara struggled to escape as a heavy rain started.

The CSIs are at their wit's ends. Natalie has gone catatonic and isn't talking, and Grissom has realized that the rainwater will eventually drown Sara if she remains under the car. Natalie's apartment seems like a dead end until Nick stumbles across a phone number for an auto yard. Brass races there and discovers that the car that was lowered onto Sara was purchased from the yard. The owner tells Brass he towed the car to Ice Rocks Canyon and the CSIs race there--only to discover the car is buried in mud. Grissom breathes a sigh of relief when they discover Sara is not under the car--she escaped. The story flashes back to reveal that Sara continued to struggle as the water rose, and just as it was about to overwhelm her, was able to free her hand and escape the car.

The desert sun is shining down, and the CSIs know they only have a matter of time before Sara dies of dehydration. As she struggles through the desert, the CSIs frantically search for her. When they find a body in the desert, they fear for the worst, but it turns out to be an unfortunate hiker who was last seen three days ago. As he drives along with Sofia, Nick spots Sara from the road and rushes to her. He's not able to find a pulse and when Medivac arrives, they fear for the worst. Grissom insists on going into the helicopter with her, and he's relieved when she opens her eyes and meets his.


CSI's eight season opener was a triumph in every way: creatively, story-wise, character-wise--even in the ratings, where the show ousted "It" show Grey's Anatomy from the top spot in total viewers <A class="link" HREF=http://www.csifiles.com/news/300907_01.shtml">(story)</a>. The show was up from last year's premiere and brought in the most viewers overall last week. The show is in its eighth season; isn't it supposed to be losing steam by now? Clearly no one told the CSI writers (or fans) that: nothing about the show feels tired.


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Excellent review. I agree w/ all points you made, particularly enjoying the fact that Sara helps herself by first getting out of the car, then by leaving a trail of "breadcrumbs" in the form of rocks for rescuers to find her. I'm glad that Nick actually found her after himself having to be rescued before and - as you pointed out - staying true to himself as a man that never gives up hope. The eternal optimist saving the cynic. Just. In. Time.

Side note: Loved Wallace Langham's scene with Natalie. He portrayed his trepidation perfectly. A man used to dealing w/ bits of grit and trace having to face a crazy killer face to face .... interesting.

Anyway, great review.
audrina said:
Excellent review. I agree w/ all points you made, particularly enjoying the fact that Sara helps herself by first getting out of the car, then by leaving a trail of "breadcrumbs" in the form of rocks for rescuers to find her. I'm glad that Nick actually found her after himself having to be rescued before and - as you pointed out - staying true to himself as a man that never gives up hope. The eternal optimist saving the cynic. Just. In. Time.

Yeah, I loved the nice tie in with "Gum Drops" and the dichotomy of those two characters in general, and how it worked in this episode. Nick and Sara are pretty much at opposite ends of the spectrum outwardly in their outlook on life, but I think this episode proved it pays to be an optimist, as well as showing what a fighter Sara truly is. What's the point of fighting so hard if you're doomed anyway? Maybe Nick's perspective has rubbed off on her a little bit.

Side note: Loved Wallace Langham's scene with Natalie. He portrayed his trepidation perfectly. A man used to dealing w/ bits of grit and trace having to face a crazy killer face to face .... interesting.

I love Hodges and have really enjoyed how his role has expanded over the last year or so. Wallace Langham is great, and really runs with whatever he's given. It's always cool to see a "newbie" so to speak face a killer because it keeps it fresh for the audience. We see it every week on screen, but how scary would it really be to be in a room with someone responsible for killing multiple people?

Anyway, great review.

Thank you! :)
Great review! I also loved the fact that it was Nick who found her; yet I was very glad that in the end in the helicopter it was just Sara and Grissom {except for the medics, of course). Still two very private people in love.