CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Art Imitates Life'

CSI Files

<p><b>Synopsis:</b><p>Grissom and Catherine are called to a bizarre crime scene: a woman leaning against a light post is dead, possibly the victim of a lightning strike. Mandy Webster identifies the dead woman as Carla Perotti, a health care worker at Desert Palms. The CSIs, overtaxed because they're shorthanded, are given some relief in new hire Riley Adams, whose first day coincides with the arrival of a grief counselor named Patricia Alwick, who has been called in to help the team in the wake of Warrick's murder. Before Riley can get settled in, she's called out on a case: a jogger is lying dead on a bench. David Phillips determines that he's only been dead for about an hour and a half, but as was true of Carla, rigor has already set in. While both victims apparently died from cardiac arrest, Carla had no drugs in her system while the male victim did. Dr. Robbins also notices the livers of both victims are a reddish pink color, suggesting they may have died of gaseous asphyxiation. Hodges is able to identify the man as Harley Soon, who has a record for solicitation. The mystery deepens when a third victim is found, dressed as a businessman and posed hailing a cab. It's clear the CSIs have a serial killer on their hands.<p>The CSIs uncover a connection between their first victim, Carla, to an artist named Jerzy Scaggs. Jerzy paints eerie portraits of people that make his subjects appear as though they're corpses. Brass pays a visit to Jerzy, but he doesn't recall Carla, who modeled for him, and denies killing his models. Catherine posits that the killer is drugging his victims, posing them and then gassing them in a chamber so they die in the positions he wants them in. Another set of victims is found: two elderly people posed as bird watchers. While Riley scours an art blog, Greg finds tan fibers on the victims. When Brass uncovers Harley's juvenile record, which shows he was arrested at one of Jerzy's parties, Brass brings the artist into the station for further questioning. Brass shows him pictures of the murder victims and Jerzy recalls an artist who brought him similar sketches once, a subcontractor looking to win a city contract--as well as a contract to redesign Jerzy's studio. Nick pulls the city contract submissions and finds sketches from an Arthur Blisterman that match all five victims' poses--as well as a sixth, depicting a little boy on a bike. The CSIs step up their manhunt with the prospect of another victim, and their search grows even more urgent when a little boy goes missing.<p>The CSIs begin a desperate search for Blisterman, turning to the art blog Riley found after they discover a picture posted on it is one of Carla <i>before</i> the crime tape went up. With the help of the blog owner, the CSIs trace Blisterman's IP to a library and apprehend him there. The artist tells Grissom life is not worth living without beauty and that his victims were nothing until he made them extraordinary in his art. He's not afraid of dying, but he doesn't want to be forgotten. He refuses to give up the location of the place where he gases his victims and tells them it's too late to save his final victim, the young boy. Determined to find him, the CSIs trace the tan fibers Greg found to an abandoned warehouse and rush there only to find the little boy in the gas chamber. They quickly take him out, but he's not breathing. Frantic, Riley administers CPR--and at last manages to revive him.<p><b>Analysis:</b><p>The question of a person's legacy permeates the episode--most obviously in the pursuit of the serial killer who, having failed to achieve success as an artist, turns to murder to leave a legacy people won't forget. But the underlying story is the legacy Warrick Brown and Sara Sidle left behind. In the wake of Warrick's death a grief specialist is called in--the always phenomenal <font color=yellow>Alex Kingston</font>--forcing the team to either face their loss head on or avoid it outright. Greg goes right to Kingston's character, Patricia Alwick, to pour his heart out, while Hodges skulks around her office, probably in part to see who is going in and in part because he'd like to talk to her. And Grissom starts to talk about his dog, Hank.<p><HR ALIGN="CENTER" SIZE="1" WIDTH="45%" COLOR="#007BB5"><p>To read the full reviews, please click <A HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/reviews/csi/art_imitates_life.shtml">here</A>.<center></center>
Excellent review, as always. :)

The method of murder was definitely interesting in this one - CSI is good about finding unusual ways to kill people. :lol:

Jeffrey Tambor was hilarious as Jerzy Skaggs - his scenes with Brass were classic. :lol: (And, as a side note, I liked the casual inclusion of his preference for the male persuasion - not that offering to paint Brass naked was casual, but usually you'd see a line like that aimed at Catherine. :p)

By the way, am I the only one who found it kind of odd that they keep talking about being short-staffed? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Warrick is sorely missed, but Sara has been gone for a long time, and with only one person missing from the team now, is the lab really that backed up? How did they manage when someone had a day off before?

Anyway, I like Riley so far - she jumped right into the thick of things during her first episode. She sort of came on strong, but I think it was a good choice. I always enjoy CSI when I watch it, but I rarely look forward to it. The cases are always well-constructed, well-acted and wonderfully set up and filmed - but I don't usually get really excited about the episodes, even as I'm watching them. In fact, I usually feel like the show drags ass. (It doesn't help that it's sometimes too dark - and people complained about CSI:NY during the first season? NY might have been bluish, but I never had trouble seeing as I do sometimes when I watch CSI.) Anyway, I think adding a fresh face to the team will be nice to see - we'll get to see her working with everybody else and they'll all have to get settled into a new groove with her. I love the existing cast, but I've watched them for years - it's nice to meet new people. ;)

Alex Kingston is great (River Song, ZOMG! :p), and I enjoyed seeing her in this episode. She was obviously an outsider and a pretty unwelcome sight in the lab, I'd guess, but I did like when she confronted Grissom about Hank - and we got to see that he was being genuine but got pulled away before he could explain.

Overall, a very interesting case and a good episode - CSI is always an outstanding production, and this was no exception. I'm also glad they saved the boy at the end.

ETA: Oh, and something else I forgot to mention - they found the painting the dead girl posed for in her apartment/house, right? If so, how in the heck did she afford it? Jerzy told Brass that he couldn't afford one of his paintings, so how did she afford one? I doubt he hands them out to the models...or did I miss an explanation?
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For some reason Riley reminded me a bit of Kara Thrace on Battlestar Galactica (which isn't surprising because the producers originally offered the role to Katee Sackhoff as mentioned in earlier news articles). It was also interesting to me that only Grissom introduces himself to the newbie and the rest of team is later shown working closely with her. I guess since the Pilot already had similar moments (Holly Gibbs joining the team) the writers thankfully chose to keep introductions to a minimum and focus on the case at hand.
Anyway, I like Riley so far - she jumped right into the thick of things during her first episode. She sort of came on strong, but I think it was a good choice. I always enjoy CSI when I watch it, but I rarely look forward to it. The cases are always well-constructed, well-acted and wonderfully set up and filmed - but I don't usually get really excited about the episodes, even as I'm watching them. In fact, I usually feel like the show drags ass. (It doesn't help that it's sometimes too dark - and people complained about CSI:NY during the first season? NY might have been bluish, but I never had trouble seeing as I do sometimes when I watch CSI.) Anyway, I think adding a fresh face to the team will be nice to see - we'll get to see her working with everybody else and they'll all have to get settled into a new groove with her. I love the existing cast, but I've watched them for years - it's nice to meet new people. ;)

Agreed--I think Riley adds an element that the show has been missing--a nice little bit of lightness that it really needs.

Alex Kingston is great (River Song, ZOMG! :p), and I enjoyed seeing her in this episode. She was obviously an outsider and a pretty unwelcome sight in the lab, I'd guess, but I did like when she confronted Grissom about Hank - and we got to see that he was being genuine but got pulled away before he could explain.

She really is great. :D I loved her interactions with Grissom; it was nice to see him open up just a little bit.

ETA: Oh, and something else I forgot to mention - they found the painting the dead girl posed for in her apartment/house, right? If so, how in the heck did she afford it? Jerzy told Brass that he couldn't afford one of his paintings, so how did she afford one? I doubt he hands them out to the models...or did I miss an explanation?

Convenient to the plot, I'd guess.

For some reason Riley reminded me a bit of Kara Thrace on Battlestar Galactica (which isn't surprising because the producers originally offered the role to Katee Sackhoff as mentioned in earlier news articles). It was also interesting to me that only Grissom introduces himself to the newbie and the rest of team is later shown working closely with her. I guess since the Pilot already had similar moments (Holly Gibbs joining the team) the writers thankfully chose to keep introductions to a minimum and focus on the case at hand.

I saw echoes of Holly Gribbs as well, especially when Riley first entered the lab and took a look around.
Great analysis as usual, Kristine.
I agree that WP was wonderful in the office scene with Alex Kingston(who I adore). I liked that scene almost as much as I hated the office scene in THP between Grissom and Sara. I like the emoGrissom. He really can't seem to understand his feelings, and WP portrayed it beautifully.
Riley I think will be fine. But I hope they don't try to give us too much information about her too quickly. I prefer a little mystery. Which is why I am looking forward to Fishburne; it seems that he will definitely be mysterious.

I also agree that the case took a back seat to the character performances in this one.

And Jeffrey Tambor was just creepy good.
The addition of the shrink was a great way to express the lingering grief of our characters. I got a little teary when I saw Greg in her office. I hope she sticks around for a few episodes. I think this will be a great way to dig into the minds of our favorite characters.

I especially hope she gets her hands on Nick. I kind of expected a few more tears from him about Warrick. Not to undermine how he was reacting, but with Nick being such an emotional character, I think he would benefit from a counseling session. Then again, after all the stuff he's been through, he probably has his own therapist on speed dial.

And kudos to Riley. I predict she will transition in well with her spunky attitude.

As much as this may upset some of you, I was getting a bit sick of Sara's return. The phrase "sh*t or get off the pot" comes to mind with her and Grissom. If he follows her, great. If not, great. Just make a choice. I think he'd do well to reconnect with Lady Heather. And maybe Sara just needs someone who will bring back passion to her life. She needs some, poor thing.