CSI Class


Dead on Arrival
Next week I'll be assisting in a summer camp program for 12-16 year olds. The class I'm working in is 'CSI: Forensic Detectives'. This is the first year for the instructor (who is amusingly enough named Nick. He was a CSI for 3 years and a cop for 4) and he hasn't exactly planned everything out.

I was wondering if you gus had any ideas for things we could do in the class. Expiraments. Discussions. Whatever. It's a week long course and I'm sure messy fingerprint powder and shoeprint casting will be involved. They also do an awesome crime scene set-up on the last day, so... yeah, just need some fillers that will keep the kids interested.

Any help appreciated.
Why don't you have a day near the end where you show an episode of CSI and have them point out as many mistakes as possible? The kid who accurately finds the most mistakes could win something cool like the first season on DVD or something like that. You know there are lots of errors in lots of episodes.

Or... you could go around in the room and change things up one day. Use a blue pen instead of a red one (you'd have to use red every other day), hang a random poster on the wall, turn the clock forward three hours, use yellow chalk in place of white, wear mismatched shoes, wear your hair differently, change the rows of seats from five by seven to six by six, etc. And tell them to make a list of everything that's different in the room, but don't tell them how many things you changed. Afterall it's their job to be observers right?
Yay! I'm glad you like my ideas a little bit. I actually really like the second one. Though I did something similar to that years and years ago at a 6th grade class camping trip.

Anyway, I think it sounds like a lot of fun. I'm extremly envious of you that you get to be part of a program like that.