CSI + animals


Lab Technician
Hi, I was just writing about one of my favourite CSI quotes, the one in which Hawkes is laughing at Danny's dog and says that 'resemblance between dogs and their owners is uncanny' and I thought it would be interesting to know what kind of animals CSI like and maybe there are some that even resemble them, as the dog in 'Not What It Looks Like' resembled Danny (though I'm still not sure whether it was his dog)

So, two questions about animals :) :

Which animals would best suit Mac/Stella/Hawkes etc. personalities?
And which most resemble them? maybe you came across some photos that immediately brought a certain character to your mind ;) ?

So far we know that Mac and Danny like dogs and Flack definitely wouldn't buy a cat but that's all, I guess. Stella I definitely see as having an Afghan Hound :)



description of the Afghan Hound: is an aristocrat, his whole appearance one of dignity and aloofness with no trace of plainness or coarseness :)

I think they would get on well :)

EDIT: finally forced ImageShack to work for me (I hope so, at least) so here goes Danny's cute dog :) (sorry for the quality)

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Don Flack :


Resembles this type of dog :

German Shepherd


Well, they are not exactly a like in terms of appearence(LOL:guffaw:)
But both are smart, loyal, strong.

German Shepherds are highly intelligent and agile dogs, with a strong work drive. They are often deployed in various roles such as police, guarding, search and rescue, therapy, service-dog, and in the military applications.

The breed has a personality marked by direct, fearless willingness to protect. It is poised, but when the occasion demands, eager and alert; both fit and willing to serve as a companion.
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I can see Mac having a German Shepherd too, the 'personalities' are similar, and Mac may have experience with them from the military,I can see a young Marine Mac hanging around the area where the dogs are kept on a base somewhere. I also read that these dogs are very protective of their territory and their pack, and Mac is very protective of his lab and his team. Also, they can be very fierce/dangerous sometimes, and so can Mac! And both are smart/loyal etc.