Creative Halloween Costume Ideas

I'm not doing anything. It is not celebrated big here. Actually, I wonder who does celebrate in this country!

What is the origin of the whole thing?
Same here, nobody cares about Halloween, although lately, especially the younger generation seems to think it's cool to adapt this American tradition. Two years ago a couple kids came trick or treating at my grandmother's. Only problem: They forgot that the older generation is basically clueless about the concept of Halloween, so when someone rang the door late at night and started singing (I'm not accustomed with this tradition either, but I don't think American's run around singing, do they?) naturally my granny was a bit confused/scared. She didn't open the door for them, resulting in the kids throwing wheat and eggs against her door.

Has nothing to do with costumes but it's the only thing I can tell about Halloween...
I'm not going out but I LOVE Halloween so I'm dressing up anyways. I'm too lazy to buy a costume so I'm gonna be Frank Iero. I dunno if you know who is he but I'm going to draw black crosses over my eyes with eyeliner and wear lots of eyeliner and wear my skinny dark jeans with a belt, a white long sleeve blouse with a red tie, and a black hoodie with the hood up since I'm a girl and have long hair and Frank wears his hood up sometimes. So yeah, I might hand out candy so I don't feel stupid dressing up for no reason. :lol:
HALLOWEEN, is great, fun for kids, and adults, when I was a little kid, we had to do a trick for people before we got a treat ;)[I sang] Halloween parties are so fun, dressing up weird and trying to guess who's who :D bobbing for apples, and fun games! here's the history of Halloween ;)
In Germany we wear costumes in feburary (that is, the kids do). Don't know how to translate our dress-up holiday in English, but it's rather silly, imo. I've never liked wearing costumes much, I've always felt a little ridiculous. Except for the one time I dressed up as a cop with my aunt's old uniform. I was way cool with a real cop shirt & hat. I even had handcuffs :D Only thing odd was my toy revolver, it would have been more fitting for a cowboy :lol:
all the young girls now just go as sluts. It is really stupid, like every other girl at my university dresses up as a slutty cop/fireman/hooker/cheerleader/anything. Their goal is to wear as little as possible, and on Halloween it has become socially acceptable. I don't care for this trend, and dress up as something scary with fake blood.
I'm dressing up with some of my friends as Power Rangers. I never dress up as a playboy bunny or slut like many other girls my age. Another costume idea is Michel Jackson or Marylin Manson. Anything scary but let's not go slutty.
MiaCharlize said:
In Germany we wear costumes in feburary (that is, the kids do). Don't know how to translate our dress-up holiday in English, but it's rather silly, imo. I've never liked wearing costumes much, I've always felt a little ridiculous. Except for the one time I dressed up as a cop with my aunt's old uniform. I was way cool with a real cop shirt & hat. I even had handcuffs :D Only thing odd was my toy revolver, it would have been more fitting for a cowboy :lol:

Ha they celebrate it in Februari there too! I have no idea for the translation either! But it is just for kids here and celebrated on schools in febraury. nothing more. In the suthern region of the country you have very large party's and parades and all adults are dressup as well.

Got it:
Carnaval, is that what you guys are talking about? :D

We're having a small Halloween party at a friend's house. Basically, we all dress up, have some drinks and then we go to town just being silly and hang out. Some of us are going to see Saw 4 first to get in the horror-mood (all dressed up :D) and then go to the party.

Now I think of it, for us, Halloween is just another excuse to party :lol:
I'm having a couple friends over and we plan to hand out candy and eat candy. And watch TV. But I am the biggest loser on the face of the earth and I'm still dressing up :lol:. I'm dressing up as Hermione from Harry Potter. For two reasons: One: I am lazy and it's an effortless costume (my hair is naturally super curly like hers) and Two: I'm cool like that :lol:. It was rather pathetic though, I go to buy the costume, it's supposed to fit 10 year olds, I'm 10 years older then that and it fits me :lol:
Brilliant thread, desert!

I am in Sweden where Halloween haven't caught on really yet. But we're getting there. ;) I love Halloween and all the dressing up. The problem is; not many people in Sweden (including me) knows when Halloween is. The date is very vague.

I am not going to be dressed up in anything that fancy this year. Trick or Treating and dressing up is not that big here. In fact, I feel uncomfortable doing TnT. And as MiaCharlize said; it is probably because the older generation is not familiar with the concept and that makes ME very anxious.

xfcanadian said:
all the young girls now just go as sluts. It is really stupid, like every other girl at my university dresses up as a slutty cop/fireman/hooker/cheerleader/anything. Their goal is to wear as little as possible, and on Halloween it has become socially acceptable. I don't care for this trend, and dress up as something scary with fake blood.

I've been noticing this trend with increasing horror :)p) since a couple of years back from when I was younger and my class aranged special Halloween parties. The point of Halloween is to look scary, not to attract a mate. Ok, thruth be told, isn't Halloween supposed to be a time for honouring saints and alike? :lol:

The difference between the USA (where Halloween is more popular I think) and Sweden is that Sweden is more empathizing on the scary part. From what I gather, in the States it is okay to be dressed up as Cinderella or a cute pumpkin. Which I can totally understand since some kids could be scared of some costumes.

My point is: In Sweden it is a norm to be dressed up as something scary like a witch (yes, Hermione Granger counts :p), a devil or a vampire. However, being dressed up as a princes or Gretel from Hansel and Gretel is a huge No-No.

But, as for the sluttish aspect of it, I have noticed a few...well, defiently-ruining-the-PG-13-rating types of costumes.

I'd love to dress up more since Halloween is the only time I can do it without being to out of there. Props to the one going as Sara Sidle (sorry! I forgot your name!), I can't even fathom how much work there must be behind that costume.

My little sister (6 years old) is having a party with her class and I'll probably be going dressed up (vampire, goth, witch something like that). Not too scary though. But I'd really love to make something (I love sewing).