Crazy Summer Hits


Master of the Moos
Every summer we "need" some crazy summerhit, right?

So what are these hits what you remember best? Is there actually a good song? Is it meant to be always 'so bad that it's good' song?

Few what I remember (in my country)

Lordi - Would You Love a Monsterman
DJ Alligator - Lollipop (makes me scream!)
O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei

Then there's a few Finnish ones...

I think for this year (for whole spring but looks like coming up again now in summertime) is Holly Dolly - Dolly Song.

I think it's made by Germans. I don't know how many have heard of it, but it was hit on YouTube.

here's the Music Vid
I was always wondering why on earth it sounds so familiar, until I read it's remake of Finnish traditional song, what group called Loituma performed in late 80s.

here's the original song on YouTube

Not as annoying as Crazy Frog, tho :p