Corey Miller

CSI Files

<p><i>CSI: Miami</i> is best known for its fast-paced action sequences, dramatic shootouts and yes, those ubiquitous sun glasses. But as the show's seventh season gets underway, Supervising Producer <font color=yellow>Corey Miller</font> promises viewers will be getting more insight into the characters who tirelessly investigate mayhem and murder in Miami. In a revealing interview with CSI Files' <font color=yellow>Kristine Huntley</font>, Miller discusses what's ahead for each of the characters, as well as upcoming episodes that will give viewers a glimpse into Calleigh's psyche and the characters' first days as CSIs.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> Horatio (<font color=yellow>David Caruso</font>) got Ron Saris (<font color=yellow>Kim Coates</font>) out of the way (for now?), but Julia (<font color=yellow>Elizabeth Berkley</font>) is still standing between him and his son, Kyle (<font color=yellow>Evan Ellingson</font>). Will their conflict continue? <p><b>Corey Miller:</b> Yes. As seen in this season's <A class="link" HREF="">"Bombshell"</a> because of Julia's erratic behavior, Horatio will have to continue to monitor the ever-evolving situation. Julia hasn't been convicted of a crime since she came to Miami, but the suspicion still lingers. In last season's <A class="link" HREF="">"Raising Caine"</a> she was accused of blackmailing another man into killing her rich husband. She may even have coerced Ron Saris into killing the one woman who could have sent Kyle to jail for kidnapping. Now, Julia has gotten her way--she's rich, and has custody of her son. We would like to be able to explore whether this has all been some evil design on her part, or if she is just a magnet for trouble. Either way, Horatio will do what is best to protect his son, while continuing to explore his own feelings towards Julia. <p><b>CSI Files:</b> Will we get to see more of Kyle? How will his relationship with Horatio grow this season? <p><b>Miller:</b> We would definitely like to explore Horatio's relationship with his son some more this season. Since we don't typically "go home" with our characters, it has been a challenge to keep Kyle on the front burner, because we do not want him to have to be in trouble every time he comes around. But we are working on ways to further that dynamic, despite the obstacle. <p><b>CSI Files:</b> We saw Horatio take a bit of a dark turn last season when he went to beat up a pedophile and make it look like the man had resisted arrest. Will we see more of this side of Horatio, and if so, will there be any consequences? <p><b>Miller:</b> Horatio has always been a "Dirty Harry"-style cop, in that he sometimes colors outside the lines to protect the innocent. A big reason for that, I believe, is that even though Horatio doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve, he deeply feels every loss that he has experienced. Look at his track record. He lost his parents. His brother. And Marisol (<font color=yellow>Alana de la Garza</font>), just after they were married. And I do think in some ways that when Marisol died, it changed him in a unique way. If a person as angelic and pure as Marisol could die, it is practically like the death of hope. Horatio felt that loss in a different way than any other, despite the fact they didn't have much time together. As a result, I do think Horatio's dark side has been simmering right underneath the surface. You can't be who he is and do what he does every day and not be affected in some way. Whether that means he will go too far one day, or whether there will be any consequences as a result, remains to be seen. But I think it's an interesting avenue to keep exploring. <p><b>CSI Files:</b> Horatio was back in the lab much more often at the end of last season. Will that trend continue into this one? <p><b>Miller:</b> Most definitely. We did realize we had somehow trended away from having Horatio get hands-on with the evidence, so we are trying to get him in there more often. <p><b>CSI Files:</b> Did Ron die in that boat explosion, or might he be back to trouble H again? <p><HR ALIGN="CENTER" SIZE="1" WIDTH="45\%" COLOR="#007BB5"><p>To read the full interviews, please click <A HREF="">here</A>.<center></center>
I can't wait! The upcoming storylines look great! I am excited. Thanks so much for this interview!!
Great interview, Kristine. :) It's good to hear that Horatio will continue getting hands on with the evidence again. :thumbsup: About time!

CSI Files: Anything in the works for Frank Tripp?
Miller: I wouldn't want Rex Linn to read this and get too excited, but our long-standing joke on the set is that Rex is the show's "sexual tension." He's been begging us for years to introduce a woman on the show who can complicate Tripp's life--and he may finally get his wish!

:lol: Aww, that would be great. :)
Thanks, guys! :D Glad you enjoyed. I have to say, after hearing what Corey had to say, I'm really excited about the stuff coming up on Miami. I can't wait to see the CSIs' first day on the job, and I'm really curious about this season arc for Ryan. And it would be great to see Tripp get a love interest! :D