Congrats to MBGrissom and Her Letter @ TVGuide!

I've known MBGrissom for quite a few years and she is an avid CSI and CSI: NY fan.

Well, she got to express her love to a recent CSI: NY TVGuide cover by sending in her letter to TVGuide! And when I received the issue in my mail yesterday, I could tell it was her (not only by her name, lol) but by her words.

So, congrats to MB and heres the letter!

CSI: NY State of Mind
"Thank you for the gorgeous CSI: NY cover [12/4]. It's about time this gem in the CSI franchise got its due. More, please!
-MB (and of course her last name)

Yay MB! :D
Aaaaaw, shucks *shuffles feet modestly* :lol: Actually, there were two other letters re: the CSI NY pic/article besides mine. Fess up, folks. Who else had their letter(s) published? One of them was most definitely written by a Danny/Lindsay shipper, possibly from this board? Hmmmm? :)
Well, it wasn't me. :p

I sent in a letter about a week and a half ago regarding the original CSI, *here's hoping*.

But MB, your letter was the FIRST one in the letters. That's special.

*cheers MB*
Woohoo MBGrissom!!!!

Love a girl who can put a little energy into a little bit of advocacy :)

Big fan of letter writing, me ;)