Clay Aiken!


CSI Level One
To my utter shock, there doesn't appear to be a Clay Aiken thread around here! I figure it's about time we start one. :D Personally, I often have a hard time resisting the urge to get off-topic in other threads and start rambling on about Clay. :p

So, a question to get things going: How do you like Clay's new hairstyle? The longish, dark brown style that he wore on the season finale of AI5.

For me, I'm a huge fan of it. HUGE fan. But I still love the spikey blonde highlights. *squee*
*runs in signing If I were Invisible I would just watch you in your room, If hearts were unbreakable, stops signing* No? Dang ok.

I love clay, I don't really like his new hairstyle. I liked the spiky blonde highlights. But that's just me.

And I clay Aiken!

Me and my friends used to go around screaming, "I'm aiken for clay Aiken." Yeah we have no lives.

Anyways thanks for starting the thread!
I didn't get to see him on it. COnsidering I haven't watched AI since he was on there lol. I wasn't to happy when he lost. But I was watching the Soup on the E channel and they were makin fun of the AI finale and they showed him.
So, unfortunately this thread never really picked up, I guess, but maybe we can try again? *hopeful look*

Has anybody bought Clay's new CD yet? I haven't yet :eek: , but I plan to later on today. I was so excited when I first heard he was going to release another one, and the last few days have been torture knowing that it's out there but that I haven't gotten it yet. :p

It's fantastic that he's all over TV right now, doing lots of interviews and stuff, but I keep missing them! I had my VCR set to record the Good Morning America ones, but it didn't work right! *cries* I did get to see him on The View this morning, though, so I was a happy, happy person. *squee*
Hi quickbeam! I haven't purchased any of Clay's CDs, but I've heard his music on the radio.

I really like what I've seen of him in interviews and such. He's earned my respect, and that's hard to do. (insert sarcasm joke here) I'm glad he's moving out of LA and back home to North Carolina. Maybe the paparazzi and tabloids will leave him alone and allow him to concentrate on making music.
Oh man, I bought the CD today!! Squee! It is reeeeeeeally good, honestly, I really like it a lot. I mean, of course I knew I would, but out of his three CDs, I think this one's definitely my favourite. I've only listened to it twice so far ;) but I can tell you that that CD is definitely going to get a lot of use. :D So beautiful, this one's gonna be big for sure, I think. :D

Well, I just finished listening to the CD for the third time all the way through (plus several more songs as I was writing this), and I gotta say, it’s truly amazing. I can’t get over it how weird it is though, because there’s not a single song that I don’t love. I mean, usually on CDs there’s some songs that are fantastic and some that I end up not listening to very often, but on this one... it’s giving me this bizarre feeling because they’re all brilliant and I’m just not used to that! :lol: My only criticism of the album is that there’s not one song that stands out above all the rest; I don’t have a favourite song, because they’re all so incredible. On the first CD I loved “Shine” the best right from the first time I heard it, and on the Christmas CD I absolutely love “Don’t Save It All For Christmas Day,” but on this, I just can’t pick! So much love... :D

See, my theory on why so many of the American Idols never really do well after the show is over is because, really, it’s about so much more than just the voice of the singer; you REALLY need to have good songwriting and accompaniment to make something special. You can’t really have music without the music. :lol: But this album, definitely has MUSIC!! Even without Clay’s amazing voice, the songs are still great. Lots of piano (which I absolutely adore) and plenty of strings (which I love as well). Seriously, for me, if you wanna get me hooked on a song, throw in a beautiful instrumental accompaniment. Which they definitely did on this album. Genius. Brilliant. Love it to pieces. Guess I know what I’m getting half my family for Christmas now. :D

And, for the first time ever, I’m repeatedly listening to my (relatively) LEAST favourite song, just to see if I ACTUALLY like it less than the others, and I gotta say, it’s still awesome, and just as good as the rest. When I go and play this for my mom, I’m gonna say “ok, so this is my ‘least’ favourite song” just to prove how awesome it is.

Ok, sorry, I kept rambling on for a while there, but I just can’t get over how much Clay rocks. <3 <3 <3