Cities Ranked & Rated* U.S.


Head of the Day Shift
The evaluations in "Cities Ranked & Rated" are ranked in 10 categories..Economy and jobs, cost of living, climate, education, health and health care, crime, transportation, leisure, arts and culture, and the quality of life! This is based from such sources as public agengies, the U.S. Census Bureau and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also the American Medical Asso. ant the Asso. of American Museums! This was taken from 373 cities!

Top Cities
1..Gainsville, Fla.
2..Bellingham, Wash.
3..Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, Ore/Wash.
4.Colorado Springs, Colo.
5..Ann Arbor, Mich.
6..Ogden-Clearfield, Utah
7..Asheville, N.C.
8..Fort Collins-Loveland, Colo.
9..San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, Calif
10..Boise City-Nampa, Idaho

Bottom 10 Cities
364..Anninston-Oxford, Ala.
365..El Centro, Calif.
366..Alexandria, La.
367..Lafayette, La.
368..Farmington, N.M.
369..Monroe, La.
370..Merced, Calif.
371..Yuba City, Calif
372..Visalia-Porterville, Calif.
373..Modesto, Calif.
Wow, there are a lot of 'Bottom Cities' here in California! Thank goodness LA isn't one of them. :lol: And San Luis Obispo looks like a great place to be. I should move there. :D Thanks desertwind. :)
With all the crime we see happening on the three CSI series, you would think Las Vegas, Miami, and New York would be down near the bottom.
Dynamo1 said:
With all the crime we see happening on the three CSI series, you would think Las Vegas, Miami, and New York would be down near the bottom.

Funny you should mention that my city Las Vegas is ranked #154..

Las Vegas pros and cons ;)

**Desert climate.. [pretty awesome] always clear skies, but "HOTT" as well]
**Job growth [if you came today, you'd have a job tomorrow!]
**Air service

**Summer heat, as I mentioned above [it's 102 today and it's only May, it got up to 117 last July :mad:
** horrific traffic.. wrecks everyday, in the last month 40 people have died from car related accidents.. everyone's speeding and tailgaiting :mad:
**Rising house prices
**Tourist impact.. yeah, go home you guys :D just kidding! and your welcome cainesugar
Haha I am not from the US and I have never heard of ALL those cities! I live in the worst ranked city in my country :p highest crime rate and bad air conditions do the trick!