Head of the Day Shift
The evaluations in "Cities Ranked & Rated" are ranked in 10 categories..Economy and jobs, cost of living, climate, education, health and health care, crime, transportation, leisure, arts and culture, and the quality of life! This is based from such sources as public agengies, the U.S. Census Bureau and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also the American Medical Asso. ant the Asso. of American Museums! This was taken from 373 cities!
Top Cities
1..Gainsville, Fla.
2..Bellingham, Wash.
3..Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, Ore/Wash.
4.Colorado Springs, Colo.
5..Ann Arbor, Mich.
6..Ogden-Clearfield, Utah
7..Asheville, N.C.
8..Fort Collins-Loveland, Colo.
9..San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, Calif
10..Boise City-Nampa, Idaho
Bottom 10 Cities
364..Anninston-Oxford, Ala.
365..El Centro, Calif.
366..Alexandria, La.
367..Lafayette, La.
368..Farmington, N.M.
369..Monroe, La.
370..Merced, Calif.
371..Yuba City, Calif
372..Visalia-Porterville, Calif.
373..Modesto, Calif.
Top Cities
1..Gainsville, Fla.
2..Bellingham, Wash.
3..Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, Ore/Wash.
4.Colorado Springs, Colo.
5..Ann Arbor, Mich.
6..Ogden-Clearfield, Utah
7..Asheville, N.C.
8..Fort Collins-Loveland, Colo.
9..San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, Calif
10..Boise City-Nampa, Idaho
Bottom 10 Cities
364..Anninston-Oxford, Ala.
365..El Centro, Calif.
366..Alexandria, La.
367..Lafayette, La.
368..Farmington, N.M.
369..Monroe, La.
370..Merced, Calif.
371..Yuba City, Calif
372..Visalia-Porterville, Calif.
373..Modesto, Calif.