'Cheating Death' Is Not Always Successful

CSI Files

If the bed is a-rockin'...<p>According to CSI Files sources, the seventh episode of <I>CSI: Miami</I>'s seventh season will be called "Cheating Death". The episode opens with a twenty-something couple from Kansas, Andrew and Martha, wide awake in their hotel bed. The neighbors in the next room are making a lot of noise, thumping against the wall. It sounds like someone is having fun--but it sure isn't Andrew and Martha.<p>Martha urges her husband to do something, so he bangs on the wall and yells for the occupants to keep it down. The thumping stops, and the couple settles down to go back to sleep. Moments later, music starts blaring from the other room. Andrew says he's going to go confront their rude neighbors, but Martha urges him not to--she's worried about violence. Andrew calls the hotel manager instead.<p>The manager goes to the room, knocking on the door and asking the occupants to turn the music down. There's no answer, so he repeats himself in a louder voice to be heard. When he still doesn't get a reply, and the music continues to blare, the manager has no choice but to open the door. He steps inside and sees two people in the bed.<p>Pulling the stereo's cord out of the wall, the manager says he's had some complaints about the noise in the room. The woman in the bed, Christina Dodd, sits up. She's groggy and doesn't remember where she is. The manager notices a red stain on her stomach. When she realizes she's in her lingerie, she reaches for the bed sheet to cover herself. Pulling back the sheet reveals a lot more blood. The man in the bed beside her has one wrist cuffed to the bedpost, and he has been stabbed several times.<p>Horatio talks to Christina Dodd by the hotel pool. When she's fully dressed, she looks more like a soccer mom than a woman out to have some fun in a hotel. She says she doesn't know the victim's name, and she certainly doesn't remember killing him. The last thing she does remember is having a drink with him at the hotel bar. She must have been drugged.<p>The CSIs run some tests and determine that Christina had GHB in her system. However, a different part of her story doesn't quite add up. The team assumed the handcuffs used to hook their victim, Steve Howell, to the hotel bed were brought by the killer to restrain him, but Delko discovers a hotel logo on the cuffs. The concierge tells them that he provides guests with anything they need--including sex toys. He brought a box of toys to the hotel room for the guests to choose from. It wasn't Steve that answered the door and picked out the handcuffs--it was Christina.<p>Calleigh confronts Christina about her lie. Christina explains that she was at the hotel several weeks before and was approached by a handsome young man. They ended up getting a room together, and after they had sex, he gave her money. Calleigh connects the dots: the man thought Christina was a prostitute. Rather than being offended, Christina felt alive--and she liked the idea of making easy money. Steve, she explains, was her latest customer. She bought the handcuffs and hooked him to the bed--but that's the last thing she remembers before the GHB took effect. When she came to, Steve was dead.<p>Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown. <p> "Cheating Death" is expected to air November 10 on CBS.<center></center>