Change History


If you could go back to any two points in history and change what was going to happen what two things would you change?

I realize there will be disagreement about what people post so all I ask is please don't flame each other or troll and feel free to offer your own opinion. Please with what you want to change don't get too offensive with what're your changing. Also please offer reasons why you want to change that part of history.
I don't know if I would change anything. I know that we're at a pretty terrible place right now in terms of global warming, war, and poverty, but I think that past events have, in one way or another, become beneficial in one way.

Perhaps I'd try to convince the guy who decided using oil as a fuel source to use hydrogen-cells instead.
I'd take back WW2 & The Holocaust. I'm reading The Diary of Anne Frank atm and it's so sad :( Hard to read.

The second thing i'd take back was 9/11. I'm not even American but that affected me big time.
That's a difficult and quite philosophical question. Of course a lot of bad things happened in the past, especially in and because of my country, but on the other hand it's the past that made us what we are, isn't it? Where would we be now if all this hadn't happened? And I'm talking about all countries, not only for mine.
But if I had the choice, I would like to make the holocaust undone as this was the cruelest thing ever done by human beings, and it was the most senseless, too. I don't want to discuss the sense of war (is there a sense?) but the holocaust was far worse than that because it was just about destruction and nothing else.
The second wish is more difficult - what is worth the choice?
9/11? I was shocked, it was terrible - but on the other hand at least it made me more interested in politics. The war in Iraq? Maybe, because I don't see the sense in that. Or, something more related to my own country, maybe the Berlin wall and the parting of East and West Germany. It still affects us and the living standards aren't equal yet - and it's been 17 years since the reunion!
Oh now I know what I'd change: if I could change history, Bush wouldn't be president. Guess the world would be a better place then.
But you never really know the truth...
So many things have gone bad, gone wrong.. So many things that happened or are happening are terrible.

But if I could, I think I would go for WWII and 9/11. The reason why I go for WWII is that so many people died for no good cause. A man like Hitler did so many bad things. It was cruel, totally unhuman,

If I could undo 9/11, indirectly I would undo the war in Afghanistan and maybe even Iraq. It would mean that thousands of people didn't die that day in the Twin Towers, it would mean so many soldiers would never have died. Undoing 9/11 may also undo all the terrorist attacks in Lodon, Madrid and anywhere else in the world, killing innocent people..

Yes. I would undo those two black pages in history.
I disgaree with making it so that 9/11 never happened. I see two flaws in your thinking about the effects of it not happening.

1. Even if 9/11 never happened terrorist groups would still try to destroy the western world, and maybe they would have a more powerful attack if 9/11 had been aborted. Other attacks would still have happened.

2. About the war in Iraq I don't know if you all have seen former CIA director George Tennent's new book but in it he talks about how George Bush and Dick Cheney had decided to go to war with Iraq before the 200 election and how the CIA was forced to fabricate evidence about their weapons.
Calihan said:
2. About the war in Iraq I don't know if you all have seen former CIA director George Tennent's new book but in it he talks about how George Bush and Dick Cheney had decided to go to war with Iraq before the 200 election and how the CIA was forced to fabricate evidence about their weapons.

I agree. Bush wanted to go there badly. First they said they'll attack because there is WMD but then UN didn't find any and then they were like heck, lets attack anyways. So I guess they thought they'll find a reason from WMD but there wasn't any so they just... attacked. When you read the stuff about those, you notice that invasion in Iraq was going to happen, no matter what.

As for changing the history. I'm like..what Calihan said. Not only 9/11 but both world wars, even those were horrible, people see and realise that they do not want anything like that to see anymore. If it never happened, what kind of world wars we'd get with today's weapons?
I think that the reason that Bush is in Iraq because his dad went into war and he wants to follow into his footsteps. However I think that if Bush resigns from office and a new presidential candidate goes into office then a lot of things will change.
Calihan said:
I disgaree with making it so that 9/11 never happened. I see two flaws in your thinking about the effects of it not happening.

1. Even if 9/11 never happened terrorist groups would still try to destroy the western world, and maybe they would have a more powerful attack if 9/11 had been aborted. Other attacks would still have happened.

2. About the war in Iraq I don't know if you all have seen former CIA director George Tennent's new book but in it he talks about how George Bush and Dick Cheney had decided to go to war with Iraq before the 200 election and how the CIA was forced to fabricate evidence about their weapons.

I'm not from the US so the book is unknown to me. And about your perspective on 9/11 and mine.. I guess that's the way we humans are. Different.

I wonder about that book though.. Maybe its in some bookshop here in Holland. But I doubt it.. :rolleyes:
1. All of Greece's marbles & other properties will remain in Greece. For instance, instead of England displaying our Elgin marbles in their museum it would remain with it's rightful owner & country. Greece had so many things taken from them & now all their possessions is all over the world. What good is that for our history?

2. The fued between Greece & Turkey would never happen & long gone would be the rivalry & hate. Cyprus would be 100% Greek & Istanbul would still be Constantinople. Also, Hagia Sophia would have not been converted to a mosque.
1. Holocaust, I mean it's terrible that so many people were killed for something they believed in.

2. I would undo 9/11 and the aftermath. The Afghanistan war, Iraqi, I mean all this could be undone. Millions of innocent people have lost there lives, why are people so stupid?

3. (though it said 2) The Atomic Bomb. That was breaking a big rule of war by killing civilians.
1. I would've kidnapped Hitler and gave him different parents. He was an intelligent, powerful man, maybe raised differently he could've done something very good.

2. I would've saved John Lennon. I know that's not a big thing, but I think he could've done wonders for world peace, if given the chance.
If I could change something, I would make it so that the nuclear weapon was never used. Maybe it was justified at the time, but it's causing so many problems. Everyone is scared that everyone else is making nuclear weapons. And the ones that are dropped linger and make everyone sick... it's just horrible, no matter what circumstance. Nuclear power could be great, but now it's made us all so paranoid we're not giving it a chance.

I would change global warming. I can't pinpoint an exact point in time that this could be changed, but if I could, I would change it. Everyone worries about global warming but hardly anyone does anything about it. I would change the fact that we ignored it for so long.