Change Has Come

CSI Files

<font color=yellow>Jorja Fox</font> (Sara Sidle) sits in the hot seat.

Fox appeared on The View for the fourth time on Wednesday, and it was her second turn as a co-host. She spoke to the other women about her choice to leave CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, describing it as "probably the hardest decision I've ever made in my life because I never got bored, I love it there so much, I love everyone so much." Fox went on to say that "when you work with a group every day, and you love those could do that forever."

Fox spoke about "Goodbye and Good Luck", describing it as a "very very very big show for my character" and explaining that "change has come" for Sara Sidle. "[E]verybody has times in their lives, and I'm speaking about the character right now, where you wake up in the morning, and you think your day's going to be like any other, and by the time the sun has set your life has been changed forever," Fox said. The changes in Sara's life led her away from her job in the Las Vegas crime lab and her relationships with the other CSI characters. However, Fox does not think that the viewers have seen the last of Sara. "I believe she'll be back," she said, although the end of Sara's last episode did not give any clue about when or how the character could return.

The actress also spoke about her life now that she is not working on CSI. "I've been so fortunate," she said, "I've been eleven and a half years consistently on primetime TV, I was pretty young when I started, and, um, I'm just sort of at a place in my life where I want to breathe for a second, take a look around." Fox said that there are a lot of things that she would love to do now that she has the free time, such as "take a surfing trip through the southern hemisphere." Fox also said that one of the upsides to taking a break from the show is being able to "date the cast now, finally, after seven and a half years. I can date the cast."

A transcript of Fox's interview on The View can be found at Jorja Fox Online. Video clips can be found at Jorja All Around on LiveJournal.<center></center>