
Head of the Day Shift
WOW, I thought Id give this a chance, because I liked Jimmy Smits, and Hector Elizondo, and it was riveting, so many twists and turns in the sugar cane business, and so Cuban, I was wondering where Gloria Estefan was :D really well acted and directed and so many different scenerios, Smits was very slick ansd smooth in his portrayal, as the favorite son..some sinister and shaky/snaky things coming down! so many new shows, but this look's like it might be a winner!
Great Pilot. I thought it had a good plot and the acting was very well done.

Also, great news!


The Series Premiere of "Cane" Places Second in its Time Period in Viewers and Key Demos Against Incumbent Dramas and Posts Across-the-Board Increases Over its Lead-In

CBS Research Estimates All DVR Playback Will Increase Ratings By +9% in Adult 18-49 And By +8% in Adults 25-54

The Season Premiere of "NCIS" Enlists More Viewers than Last Year's Premiere

CANE delivered CBS's best Tuesday series premiere in the time period (10:00-11:00 PM) among viewers since "Judging Amy" on Sept. 21, 1999, according to Nielsen live plus same day ratings for Tuesday, Sept. 25.

At 10:00 PM, opposite the season premieres of "Law & Order: SVU" and "Boston Legal," CANE was second in its time period in households (7.5/13), viewers (11.21m), adults 25-54 (4.0/10) and adults 18-49 (3.0/08).

CANE improved on its THE UNIT lead-in by +12% in households, +3% in adults 25-54, +7% in adults 18-49 and added +510,000 viewers. Compared to the time period delivery last year, CANE was up +3% in households (from 7.3/12) while adding +210,000 viewers (from 11.00m, +2%).

CBS Research estimates that all DVR playback will increase ratings for CANE by +9% in adults 18-49 and adults 18-34 and by +8% in adults 25-54.

At 8:00 PM, the season premiere of NCIS (P) was second in households (8.8/14), viewers (13.89m), adults 25-54 (4.5/11) while averaging a 3.2/09 in adults 18-49. Compared to last season's premiere (on 9/19/06), NCIS was up +4% in households (from 8.5/13) while adding +400,000 viewers (from 13.49m, +3%).

CBS Research estimates that all DVR playback will increase NCIS ratings by +9% in adults 18-49 and +8% in adults 25-54.

At 9:00 PM, the season premiere of THE UNIT (P) averaged a 6.7/10 in households with 10.70 million viewers.

CBS Research estimates all DVR playback will boost the ratings for THE UNIT by +7% in adults 18-49 and adults 25-54.
WOW, this show is great, up there with all the other fantastic crime dramas.. the Duque family, and all the issues within the family, & outside as well.. with sinister undertones and Jimmy Smits is so smooth and so professional, and the whole cast excellent. I'm hooked ;)once again CBS has a winner!
Last night was really good. Yeah I am definitely hooked now on the show. Very intense and great cast to pull it all off.
Well.....................I said I'd watch a few just to see & I ever glad I did. I love it. Jimmy Smits does an outstanding job. A far cry from his days on LA Law & NYPD Blue. LOL Boy oh boy this is a hot show.
katpin31791 said:
Another great ep last night. Now we know why Pop put Alex in charge & is being up front with his family.

Exactly.. riveting, so fast paced. and Alex, the 'adopted' favorite son, and his brother is so envious, and jealous.. and the girlfriend, doesn't she look a bit like Melinda Clarke {Lady Heather]? I thought it was her in the beginning!
and when they had the flashbacks of that guy feeding the nasty snitch to the alligator EWWWWWWWWW :eek: earth shattering and so stomach churning, I like the interaction with Rita Moreno and Hector Elizondo, and all the diffferent twists, the one son now wanting to open a nite club with serious drug kingpins.. and the other bro. wanting to marry a girl that's not Cuban, & his mom not happy about that... and sinister stories, it's hard to keep up with all the goings on! but so good ;)

As the series opened, Pancho Duque, patriach of a Cuban-American family with a lucrative run-and-sugar cane business in Florida, learned that he had only months to live. determined to put his affairs in order, Pancho announced that his adopted son Alex would become the CEO of the family business, a decision that angered his natural son Frank, and deepened Frank's animosity towards Alex. Frank had promised his lover, the daughter of the family's oldest enemy Joe Samuels, that he would persuade Pancho to sell their sugar fields to her father. Alex, aware that Samuels had one of Pancho's daughters murdered years ago, stepped in and quashed the deal. And when Alex learned the child's assassin had returned to Florida and was now stalking Alex's son, he arranged the killer's murder. Later, Alex officially took over the Duque Rum and proposed the family build an ethanol refinery!

BILL ECKLUND TV Guide writer.. Oct. 15-18!
My hubby and I are addicted to this show. It is like Dallas in Florida for the new age. I think Jimmy Smits is hot! This is probably my favorite new show of the season.
ANother great ep. so many things going on, so hard to keep up with, beings I'm not that familiar with all the characters as of yet. but I do know that Hector and Rita, are so cute together, and now his cancer has returned, and the dinner table confrontation becuse of wanting to go with the hi-tech machinery and let the cane workers go, and the split in the family with this, and the nightclub son, 'prince' his uncle called him..and the arguing between Alex and his wife, and the Det. asking for his gun, on that murder, and all the others happenings :eek: mind boggling.. keeps ones interest!
I must echo everything that ya'll have said. This show is fabulous. I tuned in because of Jimmy Smits, Rita Moreno and Hector Elizondo, but the entire cast just impressed me to no end.
Wow it seems that things are getting hotter & hotter on this show. Wonder when Franks gonna find out his sweetys daddy killed his sister? Hmmm that ought to cause a stir don't ya think? lol
You know, I think Alex has wanted to tell him the truth about the little girl's death since he figured it all out. However, he promised Pancho they'd keep it between them.

I think Frank would be a little more inclined to align with Alex if he knew all the facts.
