Can somebody please delete these 'spam' threads!


Lab Technician
Dear moderators and administrators

My name is Axatullux and have been a long-time member of Talk CSI. Lately, I've been noticing more and more spam threads that although closed, they have been cluttering up the entire forum as of lately.

I'm aware of these occurring once in a blue moon but lately, they seem to be popping up like really bad internet acne and the closed threads leaving scars behind.

I wonder if there's any chance that they can be deleted. Many may not agree with my post and I'm totally all right with it. I just can't help but feel compelled to believe that the skyrocketing number of 'spam' threads should be called to attention and deleted so they no longer clutter up the forums anymore.

Does anyone else feel the same way? :confused:
If they get to be a nuisance, I will torpedo them. I just knocked out four from this forum.

Death to spammers! :scream: