Cal Duquesne - Miami á la Ally McBeal (Slight E/C later;Fun)

Cal Duquesne – CSI Miami á la Ally McBeal

Disclaimer: I own neither CSI: Miami (including it´s characters) nor Ally McBeal (Quotes, songs and similiarities WILL occur). Don´t sue, I´m just having fun here.

Paring: Eric/Calleigh if any.

A/N: I´m writing a bunch of stuff at the moment, but this idea kept bugging me so I finally decided to bring my it – CSI: Miami goes Ally McBeal – to paper. Let´s see if you can guess who´s who :). I´m sorry I didn´t include Ryan, but it just didn´t fit just yet.And feedback is always more than welcome – I would really appreciate it if you guys took the time and wrote me a review. Other than that, just enjoy!

Tell me if you liek it how you like it... Whatever, just tell me whether or not it´s worth making it a multi chap!

CAUTION: Swear words might be used.



Hello there, my name is Cal Duquesne and I work at the MDPD crime lab. This is a story about me and my friends at work – well, mainly about me, but oh well, my therapist says letting it all out is the way to go. Uh, creepy. Now I´m on of those people who include „My therapist says...“ into all their sentences, which is weird because all my therapist seems to talk about is my sex life – but my therapist says Freud was a sexist, so I guess he knows what he´s doing.

Anyways, before I start telling you about my life, I want to introduce you all to my friends and colleagues at work.

First of all, there´s Eric Delko. He and I used to date in high school and I still have a major crush on him – not that I would ever admit that – and I think he kind of likes me too. I had no idea that he was working here when I got this job and to be completely honest I was less than happy to find out I´d be seeing him pretty much 24/7 on the job. A reminder of how I´m almost 30 and still single is just exactly what the doctor prescribed. My therapist says... Never mind.

Then there´s my room mate, Alexx Woods. She´s our medical examiner and not only my best friend, but also the person that helps me to stay on the ground – according to her my feet have never even TOUCHED the ground, but that´s just her being her usual obnoxious self. She´s the most honest person I know, and though her honesty is sometimes brutal, she´s also one of the warmest and most caring person´s I know.

Next in line are my boss, Horatio Caine, and our most senior field agent, Tim Speedle. Horatio is a bit odd, but brilliant in his own way. He´s extremely attached to his sunglasses – they are called William – and is a very sensitive person and a tad neurotic. Speed is another odd fellow. He constantly babbles about his „Speedisms“ - basically his limitless wisdom in words for us minor mortals - but like Horatio, he has his moments.

Another add to the team is Natalia Boa Vista. Natalia is a sweet girl deep down but can be incredibly nosy. She basically knows everything about everybody – which has good and bad sides – and has a thing for the word „snappish“. I´m not yet sure if I like her or not – especially since she seems to have taken a liking in Eric, which I most definitely do not appreciate.

The newest kids on the playground are Yelina Salas – Natalia and I agree on disliking her for having that georgeous hair of hers – and her best bud Frank Tripp. Now he is one tough butt-kicking cookie. We´re not sure if he actually IS a cop or what exactly he is, but we don´t dare to ask. You wouldn´t want to mess with those 250 Ibs of moodiness. Yelina and Horatio seem to really like each other which is really odd considering Yelina being quite self-conscious and Horatio being the cute, innocent, sensitive little guy he is. It´s going to be so interesting to see how that one turns out.

Last but most certainly not least there is my constant companion, who also is the reason for me going to that therapist... well, that and my sex life. His name is Rudolph and he´s not ACTUALLY there. As a matter of fact, he´s a translucent, naked, rollerblading little baby that happens to appear and annoy the heck out of me every time I overdose on coffee. Man, he can be such a pill – but on the brighter side, I can always talk to him and he will never tell anyone – BECAUSE HE´S NOT ACTUALLY THERE. Imaginary friends definitely have their good sides.

„Hahhaaaa, how pathetic is this?“

Oh great.

„Caaal, chill out man, are you writing a story about yourself how cuuuuute is that?“

Go. Away.

„That´s no way to treat a friend! Let´s dance! Shubi di waap waaap waaaaaaaap!“

Oh what the heck. It´s not like I have anything better to do than to dance with a naked imaginary baby. I´ll continue this story later... Shubi diuu waaaap waaaaap...
this is great! super interesting choice of shows to mix. man i used to love ally mcbeal but its been a really really long time since i've watched it. anyway, i'll take a shot at nameing them. cal- ally, alexx- renee, eric- billy, horatio- fish, speed- cage, natalia- elaine, yelina-, tripp- ling? lol idk

i could be completely wrong about most of those. like i said, its been a while. anyway, great work :) i dig it. if you continue, i shall read and review :D