They should have just saved the episode for next week, instead of starting it at 10:58. I mean,
I watched it, but the show's ratings are already bad enough. I guess I have to hope TPTB are paying attention to DVR/streaming numbers...
Pretty intense episode, and topical. I like that, when Brody and Elijah were talking, nobody was declared 'right' or 'wrong'--they were both right, and that's what makes the situation so complicated.
Not sure how I feel about the twist that it wasn't actually racially-motivated, just some idiot doing a social experiment by exploiting racial tension, and trying to destroy his brother in the process. Why not have someone hacking and releasing the bodycam footage because they think they're doing the right thing and uncovering racism and corruption? Why not have the characters be conflicted because maybe they're chasing someone who is doing the right thing, and maybe they're protecting someone who doesn't necessarily deserve it? Grey areas are always messy, but it could have been interesting.
Still, I liked the episode. There was some great acting from the guest stars in particular, along with Shad and James. I also laughed at that awkward-ass scene with Brody and Krumitz. 'The bigger the berry, the sweeter the juice' oh mY GOD! LOL

(On a more serious note, that is
so realistic, though--the big guy being like 'I've faced prejudice.' As a fat white person, whyyyyy do my people do this??? Yeah, bodyshaming sucks, but these are two separate issues. I
really don't think it helps to try to commiserate by comparing them.) I also enjoyed the scene with Raven and Nelson talking. She doesn't say anything tonedeaf, the way our well-meaning white guys do, but there isn't an explicit comment about her race--Raven has dealt with racist shit, I'm sure, but she doesn't pretend to know what Brody is dealing with. It's sort of a subtle thing, but I enjoyed it.
They could commiserate over a shared experience, except that it isn't really a shared experience in so many ways.
Anyway, I'm rambling!
Have to admit; I'm enjoying Cyber more this season than I did last year. I even like Raven this season,
than last. If the show lasts, Ted needs to stay on, he's the one making the show.
I do think the show is improving--pretty much every series needs time to work out the kinks and get into a groove. I'm really enjoying Ted on the show, too. And Raven is great! I'm glad we're getting more about her, she was barely a character at all last season.