Blue Background Color


Hit and Run
I was wondering, has anyone noticed that CSI has been getting colored bluer and bluer?

Watching Season 1, I noticed most of it was not blue-"tinted". However, watching Season 7, the walls are blue, the lighting is blue, and when light hits the actors' faces, it's bluish.

Does anyone else notice this?
Thank the Lord someone else feels this way! During each new show I keep thinking it's me or my TV going haywire...and I've noticed that GE's face is almost always blue!
Most T.V. shows and movies do the blue coloring to make it seem darker, and more mysterious. Usually more so if they are in dark atmosphere, or in an "uncomfortable" area. I mean, if they recorded the show with no blue coloring, the room would be black, and what fun would that be? I always refer to "Committed" when someone talks about the blue-background coloring, why do you think they put in those tone colors?
I always notice, but I like it that way. It sets the tone for the show. It's darker, deeper.

Like hell-hole, I mean Miami, has orange. It's bright, it fits for that show.
i think S7 has a lot less blue than S6. last season had way too much of it and it bothered me a bit. i actually preferred the lightning from the earlier seasons. but i'm happy they took away some of the blue background this year. that's how i see it anyway.
I read that each of the CSI shows has its own tint - Miami yellow, New York blue and Las Vegas green, though I agree it seems rather bluish.
Well, I think CSI used to be more of a green back in the day. It's slowly transitioned into something of a bluish-green, more emphasis on the blue.

This blue is especially noticiable in the opening credits now. Was it this season or last season they changed the opening credits to that more bright bluish opening?

Oh and the blue during the Doc Robbins scenes while examining a body is really blue.
well, yeah, I agree. I guess I should've said I do enjoy the blue tint. :) On the other hand, it can be a pain in the neck when you wanna make icons and would like to tone down that blue. ;)
Actually, NY doesn't have a tint, if you ask me. It's just. regualar colored.

However, I do agree that Miami tends to bright yellow/orange/sometimes even reddish.

However, the tints get annoying.
NY looked a lot brighter and more friendly, I guess, in season 2 compared to season 1. That was rather drab and bluish.
I read that each of the CSI shows has its own tint - Miami yellow, New York blue and Las Vegas green, though I agree it seems rather bluish.
That's good to know, esp. for my fave one of the three.... MIAMI! :D and Yellow is a fast color :p
Miami is yellow-red-orange, New York is blue-gray, and Vegas is neons with green-blue. As far as I know. Of course, an avid...I mean rabid Miami fan, I like Miami's colors the best. :D