Big Brother UK ~ We're watching them...


It's back on tonight 9 O'clock, channel 4 as usual. :D

Not that many changes, but this time the psychology show is going to be hosted by Davina, and will be called Big Brother on the couch, on Sunday nights as usual.

I've found some pictures:

The new bedroom
A Friggin' Phone?
The coolest kitchen, on earth. :lol:
Ovals everywhere, including a door inside an oval :lol:
The garden, if you look closely you can see a fridge
The Garden from a different angle

I'll leave you with a pic of the beautiful presenters :p

(sorry if I've posted this in the wrong place, etc :rolleyes:)
No, no, no! You've opened a big brother thread! The good name of this forum has been dragged through the mud. :lol: Just kidding. ;)

I don't watch Big Brother, as you can probably tell by my earlier comment. I much prefer I'm A Celebrity *hides*. I did hear that this year is an all girl Big Brother. Not sure what to make of that. I see cat fights on the horizon. :lol:
What does everyone think of the lineup this year? There's only one person I think I might end up liking. Those twins annoy me. How irritating is it when they giggle in unison?

It's going to be so bitchy cos they're all women. Is there going to be one bloke going in on friday? Is that it? I was like WTF?! when the 11th woman went in.
So no one thinks it's a good twist? :rolleyes: I think it's great, they're going to argue so much. :lol:
Plus when the guy goes in on Friday they're all going to be fighting over him. :lol:

They'll get the numbers even eventually though, someone might even leave on Friday, who knows.
I'm loving Laura, she seems like a laugh, so does the cleaner, who's name escapes me.
Is the 63 (ish) woman they put in there the oldest ever? I can't remember anyone being older than her.
I can't believe the twins, they are so immature, hopefully they'll calm down though, it'll be interesting if one of them gets voted out. :lol:
Wow, so many women, that house is gonna have some bitching going on. I'm a woman myself, but we can be so bitchy.

The 52 year old bi sexual unemployed sexual health worker from east london - wouldn't wanna mess with her anyways.
The other old one, dunno her name. Seems very prim and proper - can't imagine why she'd put herself through it.
It would be soo great if they put a really gorgeous guy in there that was GAY! It would drive them crazeeee!!

I think the line-up is good, but we shall see as it goes on!
Yeah, I'd love it if one of the twins got voted out too. I think they'd be lost without the other one.