

Time for a thread about this genre of movie, one of my personal favorites. So discuss what B-movies you've seen, would recommend, etc.
One fitting title for a B-Movies thread is one I saw many years ago at a drive-in movie: Invasion of the Bee Girls. It starred Anitra Ford (a Barker Beauty on Price Is Right at the time), William Smith (tough guy actor in movies and TV), and Vitoria Vetri. Maybe one of these days I'll see if the local video rental joint has it. Not meant for the young-uns.
Recently I've been watching the Evil Dead films and Army of Darkness over and over(I also saw the musical which is amazing if you've seen the movies). Also Bruce Campbell's film Man with the Screaming Brain which Ted Raimi is amazing in. Another good one I saw quite a while back was The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra an amazingly funny sci-fi spoof.