'Art Imitates Life' Promo Now Available

CSI Files

The promo for this week's episode of <I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I>, <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/csi/season9/art_imitates_life.shtml">"Art Imitates Life"</a>, is available online.<p>The team investigates the strange deaths of several people whose corpses are found in lifelike positions. Riley Adams (<font color=yellow>Lauren Lee Smith</font>) joins the team, and the lab gets a visitor in light of Warrick's death. "Art Imitates Life" was written by <font color=yellow>Evan Dunsky</font>.<p>The promo can be watched below, followed by a full transcript. (Please note that the transcript may contain errors.)<p><center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MU0CAmvV9a0&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MU0CAmvV9a0&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center><p><dl><dt><dd>[Text over: '<I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I>']<p></dt><dt><b>ON THE NEXT ALL-NEW EPISODE OF <I>CSI</I></b><p><dd>[A man runs up and grabs the purse from a woman pushing a stroller]<dd>[A jogger hurries after the thief]<dd>[The thief looks behind him as he runs]<dd><b>Jogger</b>: Hey!<dd>[The jogger walks toward someone, speaking as he goes]<dd><b>Jogger</b>: Lady, excuse me, I need to use your phone.<dd>[Close on the woman's face--she's dead]<dd><b>Jogger</b>: Lady?<dd>[Gil Grissom kneels next to the corpse]<dd><b>Catherine Willows</b>: Uh, she forget to fall down?<dd>[Close on the victim's legs]<dd><b>Grissom</b>: Lividity's fixed in her ankles and feet--suggests she died in this position.<dd>[Grissom stands, walking around the victim]<dd>[Catherine is bathed in the blue light of the lab]<dd><b>Catherine</b>: This was a perfectly healthy young woman.<dd>[Autopsy photos are scattered across the table]<dd><b>Nick Stokes</b>: Yeah, until she dropped dead...<dd>[Nick cocks his head]<dd><b>Nick</b>: ...without dropping.<dd>[Grissom raises an eyebrow]<dd>[Patricia Alwick addresses the lab]<dd><b>Patricia</b>: With the death of Warrick Brown, you've lost a colleague and a friend.<dd>[Grissom stands with the others, solemn]<dd>[Patricia adjusts items on a desk]<dd><b>Patricia</b>: Sometimes if you're not looking, grief can sneak up and bite you.<dd>[Patricia addresses someone who has just entered the room]<dd><b>Patricia</b>: Would you like to make an appointment?<dd>[Riley Adams looks at her from across the desk]<dd><b>Riley</b>: No, I'm new here.<dd>[Grissom leans in the door]<dd><b>Grissom</b>: Are you Riley Adams?<dd>[Riley looks up]<dd><b>Riley</b>: Yeah, that's me.<dd>[Grissom gestures to her]<dd><b>Grissom</b>: Well, we're very busy, would you come with me please?<dd>[Riley puts down what she's holding, glancing at Patricia before she walks away]<dd><b>Riley</b>: Yeah.<dd>[Catherine and Riley look around, using flashlights]<dd><b>Riley</b>: Check this out.<dd>[It's a painting, and the subject looks like a corpse]<dd><b>Riley</b>: Bizarre, she looks kinda...<dd>[Catherine finishes her sentence]<dd><b>Catherine</b>: Dead?<dd>[Riley studies the painting]<dd><b>Riley</b>: Yeah, a little.<dd>[The flashlight illuminates the artist's signature]<dd><b>Catherine</b>: What's that say...J Skaggs?<dd>[A warehouse full of activity]<dd>[Jim Brass holds a photo as he addresses the artist]<dd><b>Brass</b>: You do paint dead people?<dd>[The artist, Jerzy Skaggs, drinks from a teacup]<dd><b>Skaggs</b>: I paint people who <I>look</I> dead.<dd>[Two people sit in a tableau of death]<dd>[Close on a police car door]<dd>[People rush down a darkened staircase with flashlights]<dd>[Skaggs paints on a canvas]<dd><b>Skaggs</b>: In case you haven't noticed, our culture seems to be obsessed with sex and death.<dd>[Riley moves through a dark room with a flashlight]<dd>[Brass responds to the artist]<dd><b>Brass</b>: I've noticed.<dd>[A bus stop becomes a crime scene]<dd>[Another corpse--this time a man on his back]<dd>[Detective Williams glances down at the body as he speaks]<dd><b>Williams</b>: The bus driver's certain the guy wasn't here an hour and a half ago.<dd>[Riley looks down]<dd><b>Riley</b>: Roll him.<dd>[Dr David Phillips looks up at her, then at Grissom]<dd>[Grissom raises his eyebrows]<dd>[Riley kneels down]<dd><b>Riley</b>: I saw that, and I'm not ever gonna forget it.<dd>[David stares at her, uncertain]<dd>[Riley laughs, and David chuckles slightly in return]<dd>[Grissom looks at their corpse]<dd>[David turns the body]<dd><b>Grissom</b>: This is the second case of rapid onset rigor mortis we've had in the last 24 hours.<dd>[Lividity has settled into the man's back in stripes that match the seat of the bus bench he was lying on]<dd>[Riley's forehead is creased]<dd><b>Riley</b>: That's pretty weird.<dd>[Grissom looks up at her]<dd><b>Grissom</b>: Even for Vegas.<p></dt><dt><b>DON'T MISS AN ALL-NEW EPISODE OF <I>CSI</I>, CBS THURSDAY</b><p><dd>[Text over: '<I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I>, New episode, Thursday 9/8C']</dt></dl><p>"Art Imitates Life" will air October 23 on CBS. Thanks to <font color=yellow>suzyb1978</font> on <A class="link" HREF="http://www.youtube.com/">YouTube</a>.<center></center>