Apologies and other stuff - CSI Vegas ficlet- Updated 6-14-09

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by GregNickRyanFan, May 18, 2009.

  1. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    Title: Apologies and other stuff
    Genre: Drama?
    CSI: Vegas
    Rating: PG
    Timeline: Takes place after the season finale.
    Disclaimer: The CSI characters do not belong to me. I am just borrowing them for fun. No profit will be made from this fic.
    Summary: Centers around Ray and Riley and their "confrontation" in the finale. As well as Langston shooting and killing a suspect and how he's dealing with that and how he and how Greg helps him cope with it.
    Notes: I just think things could have been handled better from both ends, but knowing that tptb never have any characters apologize to others, I thought I'd write it myself. And I've been on a major writers block lately, so I was just happy to actually get an idea for a fic. :lol: And I didn't write this down on paper beforehand, so I'm just winging it. :)

    Apologies and other stuff

    After the situation with the suspect in the pit, Ray and Riley had barely spoken to each other. Ray hadn't taken killing someone too well, even if it was a murderer. He was sitting in the break room when Riley walked in. She muttered a polite "hey" before getting a cup of coffee and sitting down. Greg walked in and saw the lack of communication between the two CSIs. He rolled his eyes.

    "Okay, this has got to stop!"

    Ray and Riley looked up at the sound of Greg's voice.

    "What did you say, Greg?"

    "You know what I said, Riley. You two have been like this all day. It's time to put everything behind you and stop this silent treatment between the two of you. The tension is not healthy for this team. I know neither of your were around then, but we've had a lot to deal with. We had one CSI decide she could no longer do this job and she left. She happened to be my best friend. And then we had another CSI murdered by the undersheriff (at the time) and that CSI happened to be Nicky's best friend. None of us needs to deal with our two newest team members acting like this toward each other. So, whatever the issue is, deal with it, fix it and move on!"

    "He's right," Ray stated calmly, as he got up to refill his cup of coffee.

    "I know," Riley replied, "he's always right."

    "Thank you," Greg smirked.

    "Ray, I know that you're a doctor and you were thinking about someone being injured, but he had a gun. I just want you to understand that you put us both at risk."

    "I realize that and I sincerely apologize, Riley."

    "Riley," Greg said in a parental tone.

    "Thank you," she said.

    "And?" Greg prompted.

    "And I'm sorry for being so harsh," Riley told Ray, "but that guy had a gun and when you jumped in there with him, that freaked me out. I don't do too well when I'm freaked out and someone's got a gun."

    "You did alright with the situation when we were both taken hostage."

    "Yeah, there was a kid involved. It was hard for me not to pull my gun, but I know that it would have escalated the situation and would have ended badly."

    "That's true. So, in the future I will try to remember to wait until the suspect has dropped his weapon before I go jumping into a hole with him."

    "And I will try to react calmer in the future." Riley held out her hand. "Are we good?"

    Ray smiled. "Yes, we're good." He took her offered hand and shook it.

    "Good." Riley smiled.

    "See, was that so hard?" Greg grinned.

    Riley walked over to Greg and whispered something in his ear. Ray could not hear what she was saying and since he could not read lips the way that Grissom was able to, he would probably wonder about it all day long. Whatever it was that Riley said made a huge grin form on Greg's face, followed by a chuckle. Riley smirked at Greg and turned to look at Ray. She winked at Ray and then walked out of the room.

    Greg looked at Ray who was no longer smiling. His mind kept flashing back to shooting and killing the suspect. "Ray, are you all right?"

    "Huh?" Ray looked up. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine, Greg."

    "Doesn't really seem like it. You know, I've been where you are."


    "Killing someone in self defense... or in my case self defense and self defense of a third party."

    "You have? But you don't carry a gun, Greg."

    "I didn't say I shot him. I had no weapons on me. I was surrounded by a group of people. All I had was my vehicle."


    "For the longest time I blamed myself. I analyzed the situation over and again in my mind trying to find an alternate solution, but there were none. Everyone kept telling me I had no choice and that I did what I had to do. But, the person I killed... he was just a kid. A kid who chose the wrong group of people to hang out with and had gotten himself into a bad situation. But, if I hadn't done what I did, they would have killed an innocent man and probably me as well. Not for lack of trying. Even after I hit the kid with the car, the others broke the driver side window and pulled me out of the car. They beat me up pretty badly. I was in the hospital for a while. For some stupid reason, they decided to put me in a room right next to where Demetrius was. There were glass windows between the two rooms. I saw when he died and I heard his mother screaming for her son. It tore me up inside. Everyone on the team told me to never doubt I did the right thing. And Stanley Tanner, the man whose life I saved that night, he was so grateful. I guess I knew that I did what I had to in the situation, but that didn't make me feel any better about it."

    "I know that he would have killed me had I not killed him."


    "It's different for me though, Greg. I'm a doctor. I'm used to trying everything I can to save a life, not take one. I took one tonight."

    "You had no choice, Ray."

    "How do I deal with it though? How did you deal with?"

    "Come on, I'll show you what helped me." They walked out of the breakroom.

    "Where are we going?"

    "You said it yourself, you're used to helping to save a life." They got into Greg's vehicle and Greg pulled out of the parking lot. "I saw this once on a television show. When an Officer had to shoot and kill someone (someone who was very young, probably not much older than Demetrius James), he had to go do this kind of therapy. It was required. He didn't have a choice in the matter. I chose to do this and it did help."

    "This is the hospital."

    "Yes, it is." They got out of the car and walked inside, getting in the elevator. Greg pushed the button to the floor he wanted to go on and the elevator doors closed. When they opened again, the two men walked out of the elevator. Greg led Ray to a window. Ray looked into the window and saw a room filled with babies.

    "The neo-natal wing?"

    "Yes, Ray. You wanted to know what helped me, this is it."

    ~THE END~​

    Author's Note: As for what Riley whispered to Greg, that is another story for another time. ;)
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009
  2. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Re: Apologies and other stuff - CSI Vegas ficlet

    Post it, please? *begs*

    nice work :)
  3. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    Re: Apologies and other stuff - CSI Vegas ficlet

    Hehe, I haven't written the Greg/Riley one yet. Maybe I'll be able to write it while I'm out of town later this week.

    Glad you liked this one. :)
  4. CSIChick

    CSIChick Dead on Arrival

    Jun 4, 2009
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    Re: Apologies and other stuff - CSI Vegas ficlet

    Argh, hurry- I love the Greg/Riley ship!
  5. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    "Movie Night" -Greg/Riley (part 2 to apologies & other stuff)

    Okay, I finally got the Greg/Riley part written and I made a wallpaper for it (didn't work as a banner). Click it to view it bigger. Oh and by the way, the idea for the movie they're watching just sorta came to me cause I was watching a tape that had the end of one of the first few eps of Moonlight on it where she found out Mic was a vamp. But, the other part of the dialogue is of course made up. I just sort of spoofed it I guess. Or rather imagined what a spoof movie would do with that scene. :lol:


    "Movie Night"

    Greg smiled as he thought back to what Riley had whispered to him in the breakroom.

    "Movie night at my place and maybe after the movie I'll put on a little show of my own for you."

    ~ ~ ~

    "Calvin!" A woman on the tv shouted once she'd finally found the person she had been searching for. She was clearly shocked by what she found. "You're a vampire?"

    "I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you, but..."

    "Isn't it just my luck that the man I fall in love with can't procreate. And I want babies!"

    "Ugh!" Riley said and Greg groaned in sync with her. "This is awful!"

    "I think it's supposed to be a spoof, Ri."

    "Even still. Can we put something else in?"

    "Do we have to?"

    "You actually want to watch this?"

    He moved closer to her, pulling her toward him. "Not particularly. I meant isn't there something else we could do instead?"

    "Oh!" She grinned.


    "Last one to the bedroom is a rotten egg!" She tried to get up, but he stopped her from leaving as he stood up.

    "Oh no you don't!" He grabbed her around the waist, pulling her into a kiss. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around him. They continued to kiss as they headed for the bedroom. Riley shut the door with one hand while the other hand was in Greg's hair. Greg moved to the bed, laying her gently against the mattress. He leaned over her kissing her on the lips before moving to her neck.


    Greg opened his eyes, feeling Riley circling her finger across his bare chest.

    "Hey." She smiled.

    "Hey." He smiled back at her.

    Riley put her head against his chest and moved her finger to make swirls around his naval. Greg kissed the top of her head.

    "I love you." His voice was soft, but filled with love.

    Riley raised her head to look at him. She suddenly kissed him. "I love you too, Greg." She kissed him again before replacing her head against his chest. Greg wrapped his arms around her and they both drifted off to sleep completely content in each other's presence.

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009
  6. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Re: "Movie Night" -Greg/Riley (part 2 to apologies & other stuff)

    nice work :)

    lol I don't really have a Greg ship yet but it was good.

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