Any sportscasters make you glad you have a mute button?

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For those who watch sports on Television, are there any sportscasters, whether they be play-by-play or color, that irritate you so much that you either have to change the channel, or hit the mute button and listen to the game on the radio while you are watching it on TV, just to avoid listening to them?

For me, the choice is obvious to those who view the BASEBALL thread: Tim McCarver. The lead color commentator on FOX's MLB broadcasts shows a huge range of irritating, especially come playoff time in October. From his tendency to state the obvious ("David Eckstein, like most of us, has 20 digits: 10 fingers, 10 toes"), his overanalyzation ("That pitch wasn't down and in, it was down and up"), and is inability to get players names right (Just this playoffs alone, he has referred to Tigers pitchers Nate Robertson Kenny Rogers as "Dave Robertson" and "Steve Rogers", respectively). Everytime there is a big game on FOX, my tendency is to get into my car and listen to the radio broadcasts, where these guys know what they are talking about.
I don't have any in particular but I hate it when I'm watching a Greek national football match & the commentator isn't Greek. The way they pronouce surnames such as Giannakoupoulos & Samaras is so awful & they're always way off from saying it in the correct term. If you're gonna comment on a live match please try to learn how to say the names properly. Is it really that hard?
Any American hockey announcers...they start talking about stupid crap while play is going on.
Any guy on MTV3. They are so horrible. Haajanen and Porttila are worst. And I've been so pissed off because they got rights to ski jumping world cup few years ago and those are so painful to watch (and then they never show those live, unlike YLE did).
Terva-aho on YLE, he usually does WRC rally and sports news :rolleyes:
Than the guy who is in Canal+ and Finland's EC qualifications in football!
J-P Jalo, who has our hockey league on Canal+

YLE has most of important sports, thankfully. And good people.
Just about all of the baseball announcers on Fox. They suck. They mispronouce names. That's if they even get the name right. They are also very, very, boring. Yawn.
One thing Red Sox and Yankees fans can agree on:
Tim McCarver is the worst analyst/announcer/whatever
in all of sports!
csinut said:
One thing Red Sox and Yankees fans can agree on:
Tim McCarver is the worst analyst/announcer/whatever
in all of sports!

Shows on his own network are even taking shots at him, as Family Guy did earlier this year. I think it was Norman Chad who once said "What's the difference between Tim McCarver and appendicitis? Appendicitis is covered on most health plans." 'bout those announcers on CBS for college sports that always side with the bigger school that has more prominate people...They never say anything nice about's always 'Well, it's the end of the fourth quarter and LSU has only scored once, the Tigers' offense is having a off-night. But look at that defence! Only allowing the Razorbacks one touchdown!' I mean would it kill them to say something nice about the Hogs? And it's even worse in basketball, and my grandma could go on and on about how 'apparantly every team the Hogs beat are 'ahving an off-night' according to those sports casters.' They're so biased sometimes!...course, I can't say I'm not...
I know this one goes back a few years and I may get slapped for this one, but Howard Cosell used to get on my nerves.. I'm not into sports so I don't really know much about him, I always had to leave the room, couldn't really mute or change the channel, because my dad and brother were usually the ones watching it.... :lol:
They's no point in slapping you meshellb2001 because Howard Cosell was very annoying. I enjoy watching baseball and I find most of the announcers annoying no matter what channel or country you are watching. I find the Blue Jays announcers on TV just as annoying as the American announcers whether it be FOX or TBS. When Blue Jays radio announcer Tom Cheek was still alive there were many times my husband and I would put the TV on to watch the game and use the radio for the commentary. Tom Cheek and Jerry Howarth were an awesome team. Jerry Howarth still does the Blue Jays games on the radio but we don't have much time to watch the games on TV
Muahaha! There's this spanish commentator who always speaks during the Spanish League(football) and he can be friggin' hilarious and annoying at the same time. My brother and I always joked that if there ever was a goal, he would only say it in an extremely monotonous and dull tone...

"'z eh gol..."

*cricket sounds and tumbleweeds roll*

:lol: :lol: But it does makes me want to mute the tv.
I watched Arkansas versus South Carolina on ESPN and it was constantly praising USC and dissing the Hogs!