Anthony E. Zuiker

CSI Files

<font color=yellow>Anthony E. Zuiker</font> is nothing if not a progressive thinker. With all three CSI shows continuing to trounce the competition in the ratings, Zuiker is constantly staying one step ahead of television trends by looking outside of TV itself to other media such as the internet and mobile phones. His latest venture involves the virtual world Second Life, and in the October 24th episode of CSI: New York, "Down the Rabbit Hole," Mac Taylor and his team will investigate the murder of a popular figure in Second Life. Zuiker spoke with CSI Files' <font color=yellow>Kristine Huntley</font> about CSI: NY's latest venture and why he thinks cross-platforming is the wave of the future when it comes to television.

CSI Files: You're obviously a fan of cross-platforming, given last year's "Hung Out to Dry" which featured What made you choose Second Life for CSI: New York this season?

Anthony Zuiker: CBS put a minority stake investment into a company called Electric Sheep and they specialize in making virtual worlds. They approached me in June of 07 to be involved in this. The goal was to launch to a virtual world that was CSI: New York-esque in the best fashion. So we came up with the idea that we would actually do a show in the "first life," that will air [tonight] and in that show <font color=yellow>Gary Sinise</font> would be chasing a killer in Second Life and Gary would have to go through the process of downloading the software, creating his avatar and then going into the world [of Second Life].

The show will actually cliffhang, and when the show is over at eleven o'clock, the narrative continues because the CSI: New York virtual world will be open for business, where you can download a customized avatar, actually go into world, go through orientation, teleport to different New York simulations that emulate Manhattan from top to bottom in a virtual world: Flatiron Building, Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, you can go inside the real CSI: NY lab--that's the same lab that's on our show.

You can either play casual games, like facial reconstruction or puzzles or memory games. You can play a more intermediate game, which is called "Murder by Zuiker," which is a blog game where I create a crime scene virtually, and I challenge you to go in that crime scene, analyze it, and write in 500 words or less what you think happened, and then I will read the excerpts and I will post the top ten that I think are closest to my solution. I'll hide one more clue inside that crime scene; if you find it, you guys should go back into world and get a gift for your avatar for solving a crime. In expert play, if you're a little more hardcore, your avatar can actually engage in a crime scene somewhere in world in a simulation. You get your own field kit, you fly around, you talk to suspects, you gather the evidence, you analyze it. At the end you talk to Cisco Telepresent Center and they analyze how you did.

So there's something for everybody in terms of gaming in the virtual world. There's also a social aspect--you can purchase items, you can build real estate--everything you can do in Second Life you can do in the simulation. But this is the most aggressive simulation in Second Life. And don't forget the numbers are seven million people belong to Second Life, but only about 40-41,000 are actually on it at one time. We are going to do something special [tonight] which is clearly historic, which is we're going to, in two thirty second spots, invite our viewership to the virtual world in the show. It's completely groundbreaking that we would advertise that there's a virtual world that we encourage our viewer to download. We're going to invite 15 million people to this party.

The great thing about what we're doing is that not only is there a narrative set up in first life, but when it continues in Second Life that narrative will continue for many, many months, all the way through February. In February, we'll do part two of the show. We're actually having a rock star on the show to help our people solve the crime. Then that person will be performing in a live concert in Second Life after the show ends in a true triple cross-platform play.

The future of television [is] TV, mobile, on-line and gaming, that are specific things to the device that drives you back to television. We're really making a concerted effort [to commit] to a narrative on a seasonal arc in both platforms, which I think really makes this special.

CSI Files: For viewers to get the full impact of the story, do they have to go into Second Life?


To read the full interviews, please click here.<center></center>
Very interesting, thanks Kristine, you always ask great questions. :)

I love that Zuiker says that Adam is the 'hippest' of the group. :lol: I would have probably used a different word, but I do agree that he was the obvious choice to know about Second Life, it is very believable that he would be able to explain it all. Actually, now that I think about it (and I love Adam) it's probably not that difficult to be the hippest amongst that lovely group of CSI's and Detectives. Fantastic as they are, they're not really hip. :lol:

Personally I'm not convinced that this will be quite the 'event television' that Zuiker believes it will be, although maybe I'm just not convinced that the Second Life and CSI: NY demographic are fully the same. They have certainly put a lot of time, effort and resources into making it work, so it'll be interesting to see what happens. And I have read a lot of publicity all over the web about it, so clearly people are excited or at least curious about this plan. I'm quite glad that it isn't another story arc as such, and actually we will just see the conclusion in February without being subjected to the odd random mention of it every week. ;)

And finally, no deeper meaning to the promo picture. I can stop worrying that Flack will become a dirty cop then, although I'm still not sure why Hawkes is shining that flashlight on him... :lol: The picture really was a great idea from Peter Lenkov though, I will never tire of seeing it. :)
Anthony Zuiker is so Second Life. I mean, when I read that Second Life my first thought was Second Life? That shit's so Second Life, brah. I mean, seriously, Second Life that storyline already. And what happened to Second Life? They bring these Second Lives up and then the next episode bam, Second Life is gone and never mentioned again and you don't even know what happened. Second Life? More like Second Life, amirite?

OT: Did you guys know that Second Life? :lol: I Second Lifed so hard when I heard that.
Elsie said:
Very interesting, thanks Kristine, you always ask great questions. :)

Thank you! :)

I love that Zuiker says that Adam is the 'hippest' of the group. :lol: I would have probably used a different word, but I do agree that he was the obvious choice to know about Second Life, it is very believable that he would be able to explain it all. Actually, now that I think about it (and I love Adam) it's probably not that difficult to be the hippest amongst that lovely group of CSI's and Detectives. Fantastic as they are, they're not really hip. :lol:

:lol: They're really not, are they? :lol: That one gave me pause for a moment, too, but when I thought about it more, it made sense. In the brave new tech-meets-entertainment world Zuiker is talking about, Adam really would be considered the hippest. He's clearly savvy and knowledgeable about stuff the others aren't necessarily keeping up with. And he dated a Suicide Girl. :lol: Even the younger characters on the show don't exactly fall into that same kind of "hip" category--Flack is suave but his tough-talking cop/James Bond attributes make him old-fashioned, Danny's a cute nerd, and Hawkes makes intellectualism look cool but I don't see his expertise extending to the web. Whereas I can totally see Adam being up on all of this stuff.

Personally I'm not convinced that this will be quite the 'event television' that Zuiker believes it will be, although maybe I'm just not convinced that the Second Life and CSI: NY demographic are fully the same. They have certainly put a lot of time, effort and resources into making it work, so it'll be interesting to see what happens. And I have read a lot of publicity all over the web about it, so clearly people are excited or at least curious about this plan. I'm quite glad that it isn't another story arc as such, and actually we will just see the conclusion in February without being subjected to the odd random mention of it every week. ;)

I think curiosity might bring people in--the episode has been hyped, but most of the details of the case, aside from the basics, aren't known, but mostly it will rest on how good the story is. "Hung Out to Dry," which featured cross-platforming, brought in a lot of viewers, but it also had a high profile guest star (Eddie Furlong).

And finally, no deeper meaning to the promo picture. I can stop worrying that Flack will become a dirty cop then, although I'm still not sure why Hawkes is shining that flashlight on him... :lol: The picture really was a great idea from Peter Lenkov though, I will never tire of seeing it. :)

Same here--I love that pic. And I did ask specifically about Flack cleaning his gun, but nope, no hidden meaning to that.

midnight_tiptoes said:
Anthony Zuiker is so Second Life. I mean, when I read that Second Life my first thought was Second Life? That shit's so Second Life, brah. I mean, seriously, Second Life that storyline already. And what happened to Second Life? They bring these Second Lives up and then the next episode bam, Second Life is gone and never mentioned again and you don't even know what happened. Second Life? More like Second Life, amirite?

OT: Did you guys know that Second Life? :lol: I Second Lifed so hard when I heard that.

I'm feeling all Mac Taylor pre-world right now. :( ;)
Ok, great interview, but Zuiker is long-winded as hell. I love him, but damn, my eyes were glazing over--especially on the Second Life stuff since I've just read so damn much about it recently.

Also, is the 'first life'/'second life' thing annoying to anybody else? I don't really consider NY 'first life' anyway since it's fictional. Maybe it can be 'one-and-a-half life' or something.

Zuiker said:
He's the youngest and hippest of the group.
First, yay for the Adam love from Zuiker. :D :D :D

Second, if Adam is hip, the rest of them are kinda screwed. :lol: Yeah, he's the most 'up' on the new technology, but he's such a nerd. :p

Third, he's the 'youngest'?? Didn't they come up with some bullcrap age for Lindsay like 24? How the hell old is Adam supposed to be then? *le sigh*

Zuiker said:
it won't step on the other core thread we're doing, which is 333, and Stella's [Melina Kanakaredes] boyfriend.
Did he just confirm that Drew is connected to the 333 thing?

Zuiker said:
There's no hidden deeper storyline in the photo.
So it tells a story but it doesn't. Way to get people's hopes up falsely, dude. :rolleyes:
Faylinn said:
Ok, great interview, but Zuiker is long-winded as hell. I love him, but damn, my eyes were glazing over--especially on the Second Life stuff since I've just read so damn much about it recently.

Also, is the 'first life'/'second life' thing annoying to anybody else? I don't really consider NY 'first life' anyway since it's fictional. Maybe it can be 'one-and-a-half life' or something.

:lol: Yeah, he is a little long winded. The whole 'first life' 'second life' thing probably makes sense to those who are involved in it, maybe. ;)

Anyway, in the interests of research or just because I was bored I've signed up with Second Life and have just navigated my way through the CSI:NY orientation area. Which took me about two hours. :lol: If, like me, you know nothing about how it works and haven't read the FAQ's then it's pretty confusing. And (when I finally got the audio to work) every now and then Zuiker just randomly starts speaking to you, it's actually pretty freaky. :eek: Yeah, it's weird but I've got my Detective's badge (yay me) and am now at a crime scene... They have obviously invested a lot of time and money into this, and there are currently 'greeters' who help you out and talk you through it if you are getting confused... it's vaguely interesting, so I'll stick it out a bit more and see if I can work out what is happening in there. :lol: