Amusement Parks


Since it's summer and since amusement parks are popular for summer.

Discuss what you like to do at amusement parks and if you prefer water parks or non water parks. And be sure to post any great stories from them.
Okay, here's a story for you. We were on a band trip once and on the way home we stopped at an amusement park with a water park in it. The water park had this area that was like a fort where you could shoot water cannons at other people. It was almost time to go and we hadn't found Ryan so a few of us split up and went to look for Ryan. Me and my friend, Sandra, went to the water park. We got there and thought we saw Ryan so we went in. There was some 4 ft. tall kid who couldn't have been older than 8 that we had never met before that followed us around the whole park shooting us with water cannons! And to top it all off, Ryan wasn't in the water park! So we had to ride over 100 miles home on a school bus, soking wet!
Well, for me you can't top DISNEYLAND.. the ruler of all amusement parks, when I was a kid I loved them, and one time got stuck on the top of a Ferris Wheel.. for like an hr. frighting :confused: and I loved the tilt-a-whirl, but am terrified of Rollar Coasters, my worst nitemare would be like the one in "TURN OF THE SCREW", [sorry Gris] now I prefer fairs , with exibits, but WET & WILD water park here, for the kids is fun :D
I was in Disneyland in Paris last year in a school trip and it was awesome. We had so much fun that day :D S story, well, I also have one...
My friends and I were divided into 2 groups, and we were going to different places at different times. So my group was about to go again to "Space Mountain II"-the inside rollercoaster (our very favorite,that we had already tried in the morning), but decided to go first to one that we didn't know yet. Meanwhile, the other group went to Sapce Mountain, but we didn't know. Then, when my group was waiting to enter where he chose, they call us on the cellphone. It was somehing like *screaming* "Hey,we are stuck into Space Mountain, this thing stopped in the middle of the action". The phone call was confusing, so we became a little worried that any of them would pannic or whatever...But at that time, we couldn't get out of where we were anymore. So after our diversion, we ran to get to them. When we arrived another friend was already there, but no news. We asked the park guy, and a while after they came out. Everything was OK. So yeah, I was about to get stuck in that thing :lol:

In the same school trip, we also went to Futuroscope in Poitiers, and it was so cool as well :D

I have never tried a water park, but I don't think I am really interesting in it.
I haven't been to a amusement park way to long! Disneyland Paris is so much fun. I really want to go in Space Mountain 2.. Went in Space Mountain 1 quit a few times... And I thing I have been to most amusement parks here in my own country! Six Flags Holland or Walibi now again is so much fun! I am a rollercoater addict :D
I love theme parks. And well I happen to work for the biggest one around, but aside from them I really enjoy theme parks with roller coasters. My best friend lives by Cedar Point which is my favorite for roller coasters. I need to visit her again so I can go on some again.
well six flags is always fun, i dont really like water parks because they kinda creep me out for some reason.. lol and i have only been to disneyland once and i honestly didnt think it was all that great! i really would like to go to disneyworld!
My friend and I go to the Disney water parks a lot since we get in for free most of the time. I enjoy just the lazy rivers and wave pools and things like that.
Well, we have Six Flags here. So I've ridden the roller coasters countless times. I love the water park as well. Like after you've stood in line for a half an hour, a water slide feels amazing.
I played on one of the stages in Disneyland Paris ages ago so got in free, was only a tiny one, but meh! My favourite park is Alton Towers in the UK. :D
I would have to go with 'The Flying Carpet' at Tivoli in Copenhagen, Denmark. I think I could spend all day in that thing. Or one of the roller coasters.
I definitely prefer amusement parks over water parks. Tivoli for the romance/nostalgia/ambiance and 'Bakken' (just north of Copenhagen) for sheer fun and games. 'Bakken' is also the worlds oldest amusement park, so for the history and surrondings (it's in the middle of a forrest) as well.
I went to Thorpe Park (UK) this week with some friends. It was totally cool because most schools aren't out yet so the ques wern't too bad and the weather was nice too. Thorpe park is home to the worlds first ( and i think only) 10 loop rollercoster, Colossus. Good times. I am definately more of a rollercoster person than a thrill ride person.
I'm not really a fan of water parks. I mean i've only been to one and i wasn't really in the mood for it. Maybe i should try again.
I'm going to the amusement park this week with a ton of my girlfriends. It's going to be so much fun. Rollercoasters, water rides, giant drop, I cannot wait :D