America's Favorite Book Revealed

Interesting list of books. I've read a few of them :) I guess you could actually say more than a few when you consider I've read all 7 Harry Potter Books :) I was not surprised to see To Kill A Mockingbird on there. I loved that book.
I have read seven of those, scarily enough.

Haven't read: Catcher In The Rye, even though it's set around my hometown, the Ayn Rand book, or all of the Bible. I did read the OT once...

Anyway, if I were forced to choose a favorite book I would probably go with Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe.
I haven't read Cather in the Rye either. I did love To Kill a Mockingbird when I read it, amazing book. I love the Harry Potter series. I am sort of surprised to see The Bible as number 1 but can also sort of see why.

Good list
I've read most of the ones on the list. Not really surprised to see The Bible there, but what can you do. They're the only books to read in prison and hotel rooms. :p (okay, there are probably other books in prison)

I didn't like 'To Kill A Mockingbird', so blah. :lol:

There are a few on there I'd like to read though.
Hmm, interesting list. Although I personally believe that many people feel compelled to lie when asked questions such as 'what is your favourite book?'

I've read some of them from the list. I wonder what percentage of people that named The Bible as their favourite book have actually managed to read it all? Probably not a lot. :p

I do love Gone With The Wind. My housemate at university had it and told me it was a really great book. I looked at the size of it, and the fact that the text was so tiny and thought 'maybe not'. But once I got into it I literally couldn't put it down, fantastic book, and I would highly recommend it.
I recently reread Gone With The Wind and while I enjoyed it, but I must say it rather glorifies the South. But then, apparently Margaret Mitchell didn't even know the Confederacy lost the war until age ten...