AMC Picks Up 'Miami'

CSI Files

The AMC network has acquired off-network rights to CSI: Miami. This includes non-exclusive rights to the first ten seasons of the crime drama, as well as exclusive rights to the eleventh and twelfth seasons if they are produced. AMC will be able to air the episodes between 4:00pm-6:00am. This acquisition increases the chances that Miami [...]

I thought A&E already had the rights to the repeats? It's on there all the time LOL.

That's why the first ten seasons on AMC will be non-exclusive. If, however, the show gets two more seasons, eleven and twelve would be exclusive to AMC.

Unless of course you're thinking AMC is A&E. :lol: It is confusing! But AMC is the cable network that airs Mad Men, The Walking Dead, etc.
No, I didn't get the channels confused. I watch A&E semi-often cause they also air Criminal Minds repeats and I watch Paranormal State on there (when its new that is lol). I don't think I've ever watched AMC cause every time I turn it over there its an old black and white movie that's on lol.
Really odd choice. I think if Miami had an overall feel like NY's season 1, it would have been a better fit with AMC's original shows.
I don't think I like the idea of it airing on that channel, and I watch Breaking Bad & Hell on Wheels there. It justs seems like an odd choice. They show old repeats of western TV shows there. :wtf: Jumping into airing a crime drama doesn't make sense. I just hope they don't edit the reruns as bad as they edit the movies they show. :rolleyes:

Now I can't catch a rerun in the morning anymore, before I have to leave for work. Bummer. :(