Add a Line- Miami Style - Part Three


Holographic Moderator
The other thread was full, so I thought I'd start a new thread.

Last post from Audrey:

"Calleigh we don't have a choice." Frank said, "We need help now and this IS an emergency."

Calleigh sighed. "It can't be me. I don't feel right about it... unless you just mean me taking over temporarily while Horatio's on vacation."
The other thread was full, so I thought I'd start a new thread.

Last post from Audrey:

"Calleigh we don't have a choice." Frank said, "We need help now and this IS an emergency."

Calleigh sighed. "It can't be me. I don't feel right about it... unless you just mean me taking over temporarily while Horatio's on vacation."

No, actually the last post was mine. It went:

"Horatio, it's OK, you don't have to worry, Calleigh is in charge of the crimelab while we're on vacation, so you can stop dreaming about it." Rick said.
No, actually the last post was mine.

Sorry about that. :blush: Didn't see yours till after.:lol: I posted this thread at the same time you posted the reply in the other one. Time stamp on both is 11:08. :lol: But, yours actually goes good following mine (in the first post). :lol:

"Horatio, it's OK, you don't have to worry, Calleigh is in charge of the crimelab while we're on vacation, so you can stop dreaming about it." Rick said.

"Okay," Horatio said, "but, I need to check my email just to make sure things are okay... maybe then I can get my mind off of it. It'll only take a sec."
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" I agree we don't need to seek thrills that way..." We have our OWN special way to do that don't you agree?" Rick settled his arms around H...
" I agree we don't need to seek thrills that way..." We have our OWN special way to do that don't you agree?" Rick settled his arms around H...

"I think we are on the same wavelength," Horatio said, blushing.

"Say, come to think of it...let's call Gil, since he knows about US, he can think of a nice, discreet club, one with a sports bar to watch the games and a place to dance....hey, why not that too, show me your moves on the dance floor!..." Rick couldn't resist the Lieutenant's blushes as he finished his idea with a kiss....
"OK, I can't argue with that," Horatio said, ducking his head in that cute way of his so that Rick couldn't see his continuing blushes.
"OK, I can't argue with that," Horatio said, ducking his head in that cute way of his so that Rick couldn't see his continuing blushes.

"Such a tempting little tease you ARE when you do just THAT..." Rick said with smoldering dark eyes. "I think that calls for a little *private dance * right here and now" the brunet indicated with a playful bump of his hip to the redhead's side, not even waiting to leave the main room...
Horatio returned the gesture, bumping his hip into the brunette's. "Gotcha," he said, raising his eyebrows and then running his eyes over his partner. Now it was Rick's turn to blush.
Horatio returned the gesture, bumping his hip into the brunette's. "Gotcha," he said, raising his eyebrows and then running his eyes over his partner. Now it was Rick's turn to blush.

as Horatio held him close, he whispered into his ear: "I think I'll show you some more of your favorite moves OFF the dance floor right now..." he added a kiss on the lobe for emphasis....

The End? Hardly!

***** If you enjoy, please continue with our favorite Miami men in the thread Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash) look forward to seeing you!:thumbsup: *****