Adam Rodriguez

CSI Files

<font color=yellow>Adam Rodriguez</font> may have faced the greatest challenge of any actor on a CSI show this season: having to totally alter his character, Eric Delko, after the hotshot young CSI was shot in the head. Rodriguez took time out of his busy schedule filming the final episodes of Miami's fifth season to tell CSI Files' <font color=yellow>Kristine Huntley</font> about how Delko has been affected by the shooting, Delko's upcoming flirtation with co-worker and good friend Calleigh Duquesne (<font color=yellow>Emily Procter</font>) and why he's just a bit disappointed with how the storyline has played out.

CSI Files: How did you find out Delko was going to get shot in the head?

Adam Rodriguez: I was walking by <font color=yellow>Ann Donahue</font> and just casually she was like, "You're going to get shot in the head, but don't worry, you're not going to die. It's going to be something really great for your character." I will say I thought we were going to get a chance to see it play out further than we did. I was a little disappointed with how quickly he recovered. I had ideas, but others decided that it would be best to get Delko back in the saddle right away.

CSI Files: So you were surprised by how quickly Delko was back in the job?

Rodriguez: I'll be honest, I thought it was very soon for him to [be back at work after] having sustained that kind of injury . They did address that issue by saying it had been a couple of weeks, but I thought it was a little bit soon. They should have shown a little bit of the recovery process before going back to the job. I think it would have made the obstacles a little more believable and they would have had a little more weight behind them if the audience had a chance to go through the recovery process with him. But I can't argue with the people who make the show a success every week. As an actor, it was a little frustrating not to have the chance to go through that with the character.

CSI Files: Do you think we'll see Delko continue to struggle with his injury and how it affects him on the job?

Rodriguez: Yeah, I think it's going to be something that he's going to have to continue to deal with. Somewhere further down the line it could become a bigger problem than t is now. That bullet that's lodged in his head could become a crisis at any time. It makes things interesting and leaves room for an obstacle at some point down the road.

Delko is not the same. He's a little slow, he's made a few mistakes that he wouldn't have before. He's conscious of the fact that he's different but he has to mask that because the job is so dependent on detail. He can't let himself be vulnerable or people will question whether he can do his job.

CSI Files: Ryan (<font color=yellow>Jonathan Togo</font>) has definitely been the first to point out when Delko makes a mistake, but he's also been very patient with Delko. Given their past rivalry, how do you think this will affect their relationship?


To read the full interviews, please click here.<center></center>
What a great interview! Thanks so much for it.

I love that Adam wanted to do so much more with his character. I wish they would have let him.
Adam seems to be the only one who doesn't have his lips permanently stuck on Donahue or Caruso's ass. I love it.

This interview was hot. Somebody should let him write the show, cause his ideas are usually so much better than what we actually get.
Glad you guys liked it! :D I think Adam had a lot of great things to say. I think he really likes the storyline, but it is pretty clear he wishes they had done more with it. I like his ideas a lot too--he has a lot of terrific ideas for his character and clearly puts a lot of thought into his performance.
He so gorgeous!!! So glad they didn't kill him! We haven't even got season 5 yet over here - it sucks! The people of the UK plead with the world - Give us CSI:Miami!!! Vegas and NY are good, but Miami rocks da world!
Well done interview, Top! As always.

I really admire that Adam spoke so frankly about how he wishes his storyline had been handled. I hate the suck ass lines actors deliver about everything being peachy-keen if there's actually something they're not fully satisfied with. It does seem that he puts a lot of thought into his character and that's a great thing.
^Thank you! :) Yeah, I definitely appreciate his candor. I think it's possible to admire the writers/producers and still wish something had been handled differently, and I thought it was cool that he was willing to share that and also talk about how he would have done things differently. He's a sharp guy and a talented actor.