Adam Rodriguez Reacts To 'CSI'-'Miami' Animosity

CSI Files

<font color=yellow>Adam Rodriguez</font> remembered when CSI: Miami premiered it wasn't welcomed warmly by the cast of the original CSI.

"They kinda snubbed their noses at us," he told <font color=yellow>Jordana Huber</font> of Dose. "For some stupid reason when we started, I don't know why, they were really angry. And they were pretty bitter about it for a long time."

Rodriguez's solution to the animosity is simple: a good old fashion ratings battle. "I bet CSI: Miami would beat CSI if we were given their time slot," he said. "We can beat them in the ratings and internationally we are the No. 1 show. I'd love to see how we do in their slot."

In addition to finding ways to instigate fights between the two CSIs, Rodriguez has spent the last couple of months advertising the CSI: Miami board game, which already has become a piece of memorabilia for the actor. "Ten years from now, I'm going to look back, when I dig this game out of the bottom of my closet, and laugh."

Rodriguez was recently voted one of the sexiest men alive by People Magazine, but he tries not to let that get to his head. "I always laugh," he said. "I don't see myself as being that, so it's funny for someone else to think it does. I mean, I'm not saying they're wrong. But I'm a gym shorts or jeans guy."

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Hahahaha... what a funny guy. Now this amused me.

I probably would react the same way if I starred in the copy of the NR1 show too, though.
without the original csi - there wouldn't have been a csi: miami. miami is just a copy of the original.

"We can beat them in the ratings and internationally we are the No. 1 show." Makes me laugh. If Miami does beat the original in its ratings and is #1, why is the original always promoted as the #1 tv show?

Miami is a sad copy. I though Adam was okay before. After this article, I think he's just jealous. Can't blame him. Miami would never beat the original.
I used to like Adam (he and Emily were my faves on CSI: Miami), but after reading this interview, I'm afraid my mind has changed a bit. The cast of the original CSI might had disagreed at the idea of having spin-offs, but they hadn't dissed the new shows and their casts. There is no need to feel offended. Also, let's face it, CSI had come a long way before it became what it is now -don't forget it first started on Fridays- and -whether you like it or not- the spin-offs are riding the waves created by the success of the original show. In my opinion, what Adam said was too provocating, which does no good to him. I know he was just answering questions about how he felt, but being a celebrity, it's better to think before talk when facing the press.

Just my two cents. :)
Snubbed there noses? How.....weird. You'd think they would want the show to go bigger.

But, whatever, neither show is my favorite. I think NY is the better one, IMO. :)
I think it's sad that stuff like this happens. I love Miami and Adam's character is one of my fave. As long as they're not dissing one another, I'm still watching.
Well, let's face it, he's right in the first paragraph. William Petersen and Jorja Fox, especially, have been SUPER nasty about the whole spin-offs thing, and four years later they're STILL bitching about it. It's one of the reasons why I've never been crazy about the CSI cast. No matter how much you love them, you have to admit they've behaved like children about the whole thing. "I don't waaaaaanna spin-off. Waaa waaa waaa!" I can see how that would frustrate the Miami and New York cast (Vanessa Ferlito was especially vocal about this). Hell, compared to Vanessa, Adam was too nice.

As for the ratings stuff, I think he's joking. Read the original article.

I don't get why the original cast can be all nasty to the Miami and New York casts, and then when the Miami and New York casts defend themselves, they're being petty. I think they're ALL petty, immature children. As far as I'm concerned, David Caruso is the only one who's dealt with it gracefully.
Adam is not the first cast of CSI-New york or Miami to express his frustration about this issue - and I can't say I blame them for finally saying enough is enough. It must have really hurt their feelings how CSI-Vegas cast were always complaining bitterly about the new shows when the actors on the spin offs are just happy to have a job and trying to do their best too - and they were obviously greatful towards original CSI and tried to put up with the put downs for a long time before speaking up. I've read articles in the past where William Peterson especially, Marg and other CSI cast were being bitter and negative towards the spin off shows and its cast (and that animosity spilled over to some original CSI fans and they became resentful towards the new shows too.) I just didn't understand why they had to keep complaining about the spin off shows when original CSI is still number one in USA and the three shows are all doing well.(And some people started watching original CSI because of the spin offs too.) Anyway, maybe now that the spin off cast have shown they don't appreciate the condescending tone of the original CSI cast, the whole thing will be put to rest and the Vegas cast will stop complaining in the media and be happy to be part of a strong franchise, and having jobs on a popular show that pays them a lot of money.
I don't get why the original cast can be all nasty to the Miami and New York casts, and then when the Miami and New York casts defend themselves, they're being petty. I think they're ALL petty, immature children. As far as I'm concerned, David Caruso is the only one who's dealt with it gracefully.

David usually doesn't say anything. I do recall an article a while ago where the 3 casts were yelling at each other over their animosity and he basically just sat there and didn't say anything. Which was indeed graceful.

But the orignal CSI's bitterness towards the other two is half-why I stopped watching it. I mean, Las Vegas is an excellent show, but how angry they are towards the others always pops up in my mind when I watched it. As well, Vanessa was right. Their healthy, their fed. Why should they complain about the other actors who are just trying to make a living as well?

But anyways, this article makes me appreciate Miami and Adam even more. And the last part confirms it, with him just trying to establish that he's not great, he's still a regular joe who wears blue jeans and t-shirts. I enjoy actors who don't think highly of themselves :D
But the orignal CSI's bitterness towards the other two is half-why I stopped watching it. I mean, Las Vegas is an excellent show, but how angry they are towards the others always pops up in my mind when I watched it. As well, Vanessa was right. Their healthy, their fed. Why should they complain about the other actors who are just trying to make a living as well?

The animosity is towards the idea of having spin-offs not towards the actors. SOme of the actors of the original have friends in the casts of the spin-offs.
The animosity is towards the idea of having spin-offs
That attitude has never made any sense to me. It seems petty, childish and utterly self-centred. If anything, they should be flattered by the success of the spin-offs.
Well they could be nice, but they don't have to. It's their opinion and prerogative. But to stop watching because of it?? Hell no!!!!!!!. The characters are great, who cares what the actors do. Some people can't seperate and that's too bad.
I wouldn't stop watching because of it. I have just lost some respect for the LV cast over all of this, and I still don't understand the bitterness. It's just a shame they feel that way. Sure, it's their right, but it leaves an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
The animosity is towards the idea of having spin-offs not towards the actors. SOme of the actors of the original have friends in the casts of the spin-offs.

Hm. Couldn't imagine having a 'friend' who wasn't happy for me that I was succeeding, even if my job did "copy" theirs to an extent. Then, have them turn around and talk shit about the show I'm on every chance they get to make it publically known...yeah, I'd be keeping them around for a long time.
I wouldn't stop watching because of it. I have just lost some respect for the LV cast over all of this, and I still don't understand the bitterness.

Oh, that's not my only reason. That's just one. I wouldn't stop watching a show just because of one single incident. Usually there's more to it, but that's another story.

And I agree with you lookaboomerang. I think I'd be hard to have a friend who didn't like me succeeding on a job that extends off of theirs =\