Adam Is Here To Stay

CSI Files

CSI: New York's <font color=yellow>AJ Buckley</font> has taken the leap from guest star to main character.

The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that Buckley, who plays the lab tech Adam Ross on New York, will be a full-time cast member starting in season four. The character first appeared in the second season of the show and has been a common sight in the lab since then. Overall, Buckley has appeared in twenty episodes so far.

When co-executive producer <font color=yellow>Peter Lenkov</font> spoke with CSI Files' <font color=yellow>Kristine Huntley</font> earlier this month, he told her that the fans would be seeing a lot more of Adam this season. "I think the idea is to make him a regular the same way Sid (<font color=yellow>Robert Joy</font>) is in every episode, but make Adam a little bit more of a presence, our lab guy, our go-to guy. We adore him. It's really fun to write for him because he really has a voice."

Buckley did an interview with Huntley back in February, and he mentioned that a guest star can never guarantee that they'll appear in any given episode during the season. "You never know with recurring characters and I go into each episode thinking it could be my last," he said. He also talked about Adam as a character. "I know the writers have really responded," he said. "I dig this character; I do have a lot of fun with it and I enjoy seeing what they come up with for me to do." Now that Buckley has been signed on full-time, there is sure to be a lot more in store for Adam on CSI: NY.

The original article is from the Hollywood Reporter.<center></center>
Now that Buckley has been signed on full-time, there is sure to be a lot more in store for Adam on CSI: NY.

*Yay* :D

I really love the idea of Adam being the 'go-to' guy in the lab. I think it's a great way of using the character and I'm so glad that he will be a regular, everyone loves a lab geek, and I will love seeing more Adam per episode! Congratulations to AJ. This news has really helped to relieve my post season 3 blues. :p :)
Yeah, Adam becoming a regular fixture on the show is definitely one of the main things I'm looking foward to in season 4. I've always loved the idea of him being the guy you could go to for answers--if anyone can solve the riddle, it's Adam. Even though our CSIs are scientists (Hawkes and Lindsay seeming to spend more time in the lab than the others), Adam is definitely a very different character. To paraphrase something he said in "Bad Beat" (his very first episode!), 'I'm a scientist without a badge.' ;)
*joins the party* :D

I think Adam is a good contrast to the other CSIs because he doesn't have a badge. That doesn't mean he's a wimp--he really did rise to the occasion in "Snow Day"--it just means he's a straight up science guy. We probably won't see him tackling guys on motorcycles anytime soon, but he's got more than enough to keep him busy in the lab.

May I say, It's about damn time! I love the character to death and always enjoy his scenes. Snow Day was awesome because of two things - one being the Adamness of the episode! I can't wait to see where they take his character now that he's 'official'. Not that he wasn't anyways, at least to this fangirl.

I agree Adam is great! Even though it is a 'CSI' show he doesn't need a badge to fit! He's the best lab tech out there [Im so glad AJ chose not to join the miami team!]