

CSI Level Two
Who is your favorite actor/actress....It could be anyone from your country, he/she does not have to be known internationally(sp?), but could be, if it's your case...
Oh, and I think that it would be better to don't mention csi stars, as I can imagine that everyone here love them ;) (let me know if you would prefer to change this part)
Tom Hanks has been one of my favorite actors for over a decade. Aside from The Da Vinci Code, I've loved just about every movie I've seen him in since Big.

These days, Halle Berry is my favorite actress, just 'cause she's just so damn good lookin'. I went to see Catwoman in the theater just for her!!!
My favorite actors are Matthew McConaughey, Josh Lucas, Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson! All hot for different reasons.
My favorite actor is Tom Hanks fo sho. He is sooo cool. I loved him in Philidelphia. He was fantastic. He is my very favorite.