Accepting Nominations For The Show Killer Hall Of Shame

Anna P

Since the unHappy Days of Ted McGinley there has been a merry band of brothers (and sisters) that the media has dubbed Show Killers. :angryrazz:

If they're part of the cast of a new show, it gets canceled before the season ends; have them join an established show and the network pulls the plug. Their fans blame bad shows, bad writing, bad time and the ever popular "the show was going to be canceled anyway" to explain what went wrong.

Sometimes an actor can escape the curse and nail a hit show; most can't. There's a few folks out there who have three or four consecutive fails in as many years.

I am submitting the names of Alex O'Loughlin, Jerry O'Connell and Lindsay Price for your approval. Please feel free to nominate others. :devil:
Who is Lindsay Price?

Someone said something about Heather Locklear being a show killer now that Melrose Place has been cancelled.
Who is Lindsay Price?
Not sure if this is the Lindsay Price being referred to.

As for my thoughts, I would have to think about it. Are you looking at a certain time period, like those trying a series in the last five years, or no limit, meaning naming stars who might be out of the business? Just don't want to name someone from say the 80's and either still having problems, or retired.

May I suggest that if someone names an actor/actress that they put at least one show they have been on so (like above) folks will have that "I know that person" moment?
Who is Lindsay Price?
Not sure if this is the Lindsay Price being referred to.

As for my thoughts, I would have to think about it. Are you looking at a certain time period, like those trying a series in the last five years, or no limit, meaning naming stars who might be out of the business? Just don't want to name someone from say the 80's and either still having problems, or retired.

May I suggest that if someone names an actor/actress that they put at least one show they have been on so (like above) folks will have that "I know that person" moment?

McGinely's been around a long time; but he's considered the ultimate show killer. I'd say active within the last 5-10 years. Jerry O'Connell followed a good run on Crossing Jordan with Carpoolers and Do Not Disturb. He had just joined the cast of Eastwick (with Ms. Price) before it's cancellation.
Thank you. I only suggest that because some know an actor or sometimes more a show they were on.

I myself knew who Ted, Alex, and Jerry are, Lindsay not so much. Ted being on Happy days, and Love boat thing is Ted was only on from season 4-9, the show itself went for what ten or eleven seasons. So I am not sure how he killed it.
Thinking about it you have a son (Chuck) played by Gavan O'Herlihy who is there for nine eps and then disappears, never visits from college?

Actress/Singer/song writer Crystal Bernard (Happy days, Wings, it's a living), don't think she actually killed a show, she was pretty funny, but who knows.
How about Christian Slater? He's been in 2 recently cancelled shows: The Forgotten, and .....sorry, I've already forgotten the name of it. :lol: Something about a man leading a double life.
How about Christian Slater? He's been in 2 recently cancelled shows: The Forgotten, and .....sorry, I've already forgotten the name of it. :lol: Something about a man leading a double life.

My Own Worst Enemy.

Blair Underwood was on LAX with Heather Locklear; as well as Dirty Sexy Money. Come to think of it Lucy Liu was on DSM and the short lived Cashmere Mafia.
i would say Victor Garber.. but he guest starred on Glee and that hasn't gotten canceled yet... but he was on Justice... Eli Stone... Alias... (tries to remember what else). i mean i love his acting but gosh... it seems like every fricken show he had a major role in got canceled :(
I love her and I'm gonna say it's all due to misfortune and not due to her, but I'm gonna say Andrea Parker....she is one of the most unucky actresses I've ever know.

She became famous with "the Pretender", which got cancelled 4 years later. Same exact thing happened with "Less than Perfect".

Also she was going to play into 3 pilots in the last 5 years. She once had to step back because of laringytis (that is what has been said officialy :shifty::rolleyes:). The second one didn't even start because another famous actor (I don't remember the name) died and the third one......they recasted the whole cast, after it had been cancelled for about 5 months :lol:

Definitely unlucky :(
Show killers, huh? How about me? Oh, you mean people in the shows, not watching them. :p

Alex O'Loughlin is only a show killer if he tries to star... He didn't get Criminal Minds canceled (thank God).

I'm trying to find someone to blame for Law and Order, but I'm not having much luck.