About zoom pic in CSI

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Sorry my English is not good,but still,I want to express my opinions.

There is manny scene in CSI such as this blow:

They playback a video in a computer,then pause,pick one of the pic.


And then


then they use their "magic" to make the pic clearly



But I think,their "magic" is impossible.If it is thue,they can use their "magic" to one pic again and again adn again.So,they can discover any details in the pic,Any digtal camera,Can be very powerful,2 mega pixel DC can be 10000000000 mega pixel.

So I think that is impossible.CSI can not have a software or workstation like that.

What's more,there is some bugs in these pictures:
1.compaer 2 pictures blow:



These proved that,the pic they zoom,is not the pic the pick out. it possibly they photo it spercially.

2.I zoom the pic without any PS,from this


to this


Of cause,it looks there some mosaic on it,but do you believe that,when CSI zoom the pic,the mosaic is even more gravity than mine!


it prove that:the CBS may photo a pic,then mosaic it,mosaic again.When play,they play the mosaiced pic first.So,it prove the CSI can use their "magic" to make the pic clearly

*EDITED: Due to the fact that the links were files to be opened the links have been removed.*
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