Hi! This is my first post on this forum, I only just joined tonight!
I have a question about the end of this episode. Where Sarah looks at the crossword Grissom had left unfinished. She said 'you missed 63 down - Misanthrope.
I looked up the meaning...
Main Entry: mis·an·thrope
Pronunciation: 'mi-s&n-"thrOp
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek misanthrOpos hating humankind, from misein to hate + anthrOpos human being
: a person who hates or distrusts humankind
Do you think this has any significance? Grissom had that look on his face....
I have a question about the end of this episode. Where Sarah looks at the crossword Grissom had left unfinished. She said 'you missed 63 down - Misanthrope.
I looked up the meaning...
Main Entry: mis·an·thrope
Pronunciation: 'mi-s&n-"thrOp
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek misanthrOpos hating humankind, from misein to hate + anthrOpos human being
: a person who hates or distrusts humankind
Do you think this has any significance? Grissom had that look on his face....