A question about s7e8 CSI

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Hi! This is my first post on this forum, I only just joined tonight!

I have a question about the end of this episode. Where Sarah looks at the crossword Grissom had left unfinished. She said 'you missed 63 down - Misanthrope.

I looked up the meaning...

Main Entry: mis·an·thrope
Pronunciation: 'mi-s&n-"thrOp
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek misanthrOpos hating humankind, from misein to hate + anthrOpos human being
: a person who hates or distrusts humankind

Do you think this has any significance? Grissom had that look on his face....

Sara and Catherine have always teased Grissom about his lack of people skills, he's even made a few self-deprecating remarks about it. Personally I think it was her way of letting him know she wasn't pleased with the quote he chose to read to her from Walden Pond. Don't know yet what significance it has for their relationship--time will tell.
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