'A La Cart' Promo Now Available

CSI Files

The promo for the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation episode "A La Cart" is now available.

The team investigates a go-cart racer whose hobby turned deadly. Meanwhile, a man is killed in a restaurant where patrons eat in the dark. "A La Cart" was written by <font color=yellow>Sarah Goldfinger</font> and <font color=yellow>Richard Catalani</font>.

A copy of the video can be watched below. For those of you who cannot see it, a transcript follows.

<center><object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xOlaIHM9I-w"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xOlaIHM9I-w" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object></center>

<dl><dt><dd>[Text over: 'Thursday']<dd>[Shot of the CSIs on the road, and Gil Grissom is wearing a hat]<dd>[Night shot of go-carts driving down the road]<dd>[A go-cart swerves into the oncoming lane of traffic]<dd>[Close-up of someone in one of the go-carts, wearing a helmet]


<dd>[Shot of a young man being questioned]<dd>Young man: I look back and the headless horseman is driving his cart.<dd>[The CSIs are on the road, looking for evidence]<dd>[Shot of Grissom pointing behind him]<dd>Grissom: Head's over there.<dd>[Split shot of Grissom and Nick Stokes]<dd>[Text over: 'strange cases']


<dd>[Several red go-carts drive on an indoor track]<dd>[Close on a driver wearing a red helmet]<dd>[Greg Sanders is smirking slightly]<dd>Greg: People's heads just don't fly off for no reason.<dd>[Shot of Nick wearing a face shield and patting the head of a dummy wearing a helmet]<dd>[Split shot of Warrick Brown and Jim Brass]<dd>[Text over: 'in the dark']


<dd>[Someone kneels next to a dead body]<dd>[Shot of a green sign that says: 'blind']<dd>[Shot of Catherine Willows kneeling down at the scene near Brass]<dd>Brass: Welcome to the latest fad. Waiters are blind, no one sees anything.<dd>[A plate of food moves through a darkened room]<dd>[Warrick holds up some night vision goggles]<dd>[Catherine stands in the dark]


<dd>[Grissom and Sara Sidle are sitting together in a car, smiling]<dd>Greg: Did he say anything about what's happening with Sara?<dd>[Greg and Nick are standing outside and Nick shrugs]


<dd>[Sara is sitting in Conrad Ecklie's office, her arm in a sling]<dd>Ecklie: When did you become intimate?<dd>[Close-up on Sara]<dd>Sara: Two years ago.<dd>[Close-up on Grissom]<dd>Grissom: Nine years ago.<dd>[Ecklie looks frustrated]<dd>Ecklie: You two need to get your story straight.<dd>[Grissom looks slightly confused]


<dd>[Text over: 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation', New episode, Thursday 9/8c']</dt></dl>

Thanks to <font color=yellow>norniron7</font> on YouTube.<center></center>
See now this makes me very confused. If this has all been going on for so long, how do you explain:

Hank, Teri, Lady Heather, and the chick from the pilot?
Hank, the skank and that never went anywhere, she was a bit frustrated by Grissoms lack of attention, Lady Heather..Please, back in S/3..he never was intimate with her, attracted maybe..he's a man..& helped her a couple of times, because she couldn't help hereself, but was turned off by her violent side, and her lack of trust! and they had absoutely nothing in common.. and Terri Miller, blew him off, and then he realized that all along it was SARA :eek: got his S..together and then him and Sara ... we'll you know the rest, a hard core GSR fan!