A.J. Buckley

CSI Files


<font color=yellow>A.J. Buckley</font> has the best of both worlds: as the newest regular on CSI: New York, he's enjoying fleshing out his character Adam Ross, but he still has just enough time to sneak away now and then to do the occasional guest role or to shoot a movie. Just days away from returning to work, Buckley told CSI Files' <font color=yellow>Kristine Huntley</font> about what he did over the strike-induced hiatus, what he thinks of Adam's new potential love interest Kendall Novack and who he'd really like to see Adam make a move on, as well as his dream storyline for NY's resident lab tech!

CSI Files: What have you been up to during the time off due to the writers strike?

A.J. Buckley: Traveling. My girlfriend was living in Australia at the time, so at the beginning of the season in between episodes or if I was shot early in the episode and had like five or six days off, I'd be on a plane and be in Australia. The ADs were awesome with working out the schedule so I could go out [there]. And my schedule is pretty light anyways compared to <font color=yellow>Carmine [Giovinazzo</font>, Danny Messer] and <font color=yellow>Eddie [Cahill</font>, Don Flack] and <font color=yellow>Gary [Sinise</font>, Mac Taylor] the rest of the crew. I work a few days during the week; it's pretty phenomenal. I'm really lucky. I was basically flying to Australia to see my girl and so I was in Australia every two to three weeks. And while I was in Australia the strike happened and I wasn't in the last two episodes, so I ended up staying there for like a month and a half. Then I came back to LA and I was in LA for like two days, and then I went up to Canada [to see] my family and then I ended up in Mexico for three weeks.

And then my girlfriend flew over from Australia and met my family for the first time, and then my girlfriend and I flew to Thailand, which was unbelievable. Thailand is the most beautiful place in the world. It's really spiritual. You can't put into words how beautiful parts of Thailand are. It's just unbelievable; you're just in constant awe of what's around you. One night we camped overnight on Maya Bay where The Beach was filmed and we were only eight people on the island. We slept on the beach and it was a full moon, so it was my girlfriend and I under a full moon on this beach. A guy went out and caught our dinner for us--it was just such a beautiful experience. And then I came back here and the week after I got back the strike ended.

CSI Files: You really took advantage of the time off!

Buckley: Yeah. It sucked--I mean, don't get me wrong, I was pretty scared like, "God, I hope it comes back." And I was constantly e-mailing back and forth with [Executive Producer] <font color=yellow>Peter Lenkov</font>, just touching base. And I finally got the word that the strike was over, which was such a relief. I go back to work on the fifth [of March] and I do the first two episodes, then I'm off [for] an episode and I go up to Canada to shoot Supernatural. They're bringing the Hellhounds back, so I go up on the 17th to Vancouver to shoot that for ten days and then I come back. CSI: NY has just been so great the producers have just been so amazing with allowing me to go and do [other things]. Right now I'm not in every episode. CBS has just been so cool to allow me to go to these other shows and films, which is great because it builds the profile of one of their cast [members] on the show. It works out for everybody.

CSI Files: You mentioned going back to work on the 5th. Have you seen a script yet?

Buckley: Not yet. I think we get them this week.

CSI Files: Have you talked to the writers yet about anything that might be coming up for Adam in the rest of the season?

Buckley: Not yet. I think we're just slowly over the season getting to know him more as far as his backstory, the whole abuse thing. There hasn't been any sort of concrete direction of what they're going to do, but I kind of like not knowing. I kind of like opening up the script and being surprised and going, "Oh wow, this is really cool!" It makes it more exciting if I don't know what's coming up. I've always played really dark characters, so I love to get into scenes and stuff where you really go deep within yourself and go on a journey. In the [third] season finale ["Snow Day"], when I read that I was so excited because I really got to act in it. It was great to do intense scenes with Carmine; I think he's such a great actor so to get to work with him on a script like that was really fun. And I actually had a lot of fun doing that. We both just said let's go for it.

So I'm hoping that Adam gets to go deeper emotionally into his past. Not that I don't feel challenged--the character's definitely challenging with the words and the science--but I definitely get excited when I see stuff where I get to be part of a moment. I would love to really have an intense moment with Gary. Gary's someone that prior to being on the show I looked up to so much, and I'm getting to know him now. He's just such an outstanding [actor]. Gary Sinise is Gary Sinise--he's just such a well-respected man. He's a family guy--family is so important [to him]--and yet he's so successful and always on point and always has a smile on his face. For the longest time I was so intimidated just being around him. He's such an intense guy when he's working because that's the character, and I was like, "Oh god, he hates me!" There's stuff he's done on stage in Chicago and stuff he's done as a director--I started renting all of his movies and just watching all of his stuff. They're just such great films.

I really want to start directing--that's a passion of mine, writing and directing---that's a bonus of getting to be on the set so much, observing and getting to see all the process and how the writers work and their approach. The writers are so cool. Reading the scripts now--they're writing how I talk! How I paraphrase stuff or how I go, "What up?" They'll put that in there. A friend of mine, <font color=yellow>Jonathan Siegel</font> always goes, "What up?" and I just thought one day, I was doing a scene and I [said it]. And in a script a while ago, I think [it was] <font color=yellow>Trey [Callaway</font>] who wrote it [in].

CSI Files: Getting back to "Snow Day"--that was such an intense ordeal for Adam. Knowing his background, do you think there will emotional repercussions somewhere down the line for Adam?


To read the full interviews, please click here.<center></center>
He'd [Carmine] improvise and call me cupcake or he'd punch me in the scene.

:lol: Funniest thing I read out of the whole interview. Can you guys imagine Carmine calling AJ cupcake? :lol: :lol: :lol: He so has a crush on Carmine. :D
OMG! Fantastic interview. This is probably my favourite of all the interviews I have read on here. :D He seems so open and happy about his job, and he clearly loves his girlfriend a lot (although his over-use of the word 'girlfriend' kind of reminded me of Flack)! All the best to them.

Oh, and he's obviously a Ceesau/Carmine fanboy! :lol: That is hilarious.

There's so much detail in the interview so it's difficult to comment on it all. I'll just say I'd love to see a storyline showing Adam save the day, it would be great, and something about his father would also be good continuity. And yes, scenes between him and Sid would be gold, so I'd definitely like to see that.

I looked at that puzzle and there was nothing about that puzzle that looked remotely fun to do! I was like, "Are you kidding me?" God bless anyone who looks at that and thinks that's fun. There are so many other things I would much rather do! It just looks painful!
Haha, he did a great job of looking stressed, confused, overwhelmed and yet determined in that episode. The puzzle did not look like fun, and I do pity the props guys.

What I wear on the show is pretty much what I wear everyday. Like my jewelry and all my stuff. My man-jewelry! My accessories.

His man-jewelry is fantastic. :lol:

I mean, I'm flattered when people come up to me and say they're a fan or they like my work or when I check out [TalkCSI] and I see the people talking about [the show] or their favorite [character]. It feels good to read about it.
He reads TalkCSI? Awesome.

A lot of the reason I became a regular was because [fans of the show] responded to me and talked about me in chatrooms, and that really led to the writers writing for me.
I blame 'Adam super-fan' Fay. :p So, if we wanted more Adam storylines we just need to talk about him a bit more and then they might write more... interesting... :lol: *Reminds self to post in the AJ/Adam thread more often*

At least we know that he will be in the next two episodes, which is great as I was beginning to wonder where he had gone. ;)
This interview was SO needed. :) I haven't gotten giggly-excited-happy over anything CSI:NY related in a long time and I just got that same feeling I used to have about it all again.

He's such a talker! :lol: Reminded me a little of a Carmine interview...who he OBVIOUSLY has a giant crush on. Holy moley! :lol:
Wow, AWESOME interview!!! I would totally think Eddie should be worried about AJ's raging Carmine crush if his love for his girlfriend weren't so apparent.

He sounds like a terrific guy who is in a great place in his life right now and really happy about it. I love reading interviews like this.

Great job, Top! :D

AJ's so genuine, I love it. Reading about what he did during the strike makes me a bit jealous, but I'm glad he got the chance to spend time with his girlfriend and his family and just make memories--the night on the beach in Thailand sounds phenomenal. :)

I knew he'd fangirl Carmine--is there anybody that doesn't love that man? :lol:

I'd love to see more between Adam and Mac too, and I'm hoping we get to see a bit of that this season. Having some development about Adam's past during the rest of this season would be more than this little fangirl could ask for. ;)

Buckley: Not at all. He shies away from [attention]. I don't think he realized he did that. Adam's in Adam's world, he's happy in there, his own jokes make him laugh. I think he still thinks Danny and Mac and Flack and those guys are the ones that save the day, and he's probably [feeling] guilty that he crumbled and gave up the codes.
Aww. *pets the woobie* That's how I see it as well, although I like to think there might be a little bit of resentment in there that would come out if he was really honest with himself--mainly because I'd like to see Adam get pissed, just once. ;)

I have never seen AJ's episode of Supernatural, but I've seen clips and it was hilarious--I'm sure a lot of SPN fans will be happy to hear that he's going back. :p

(Yeah, I'm jumping back and forth, sorry. :D)

I think Adam really wants a gun and a badge. He thinks that's how he'll get the ladies. And maybe Detective Angell (Emmanuelle Vaugier) will see him mix up chemicals and that will turn her head and she'll say, "Wow, he's a sexy scientist!"
OMG! :lol: I love it! (Not that I haven't thought about it, sort of. :p)

CSI Files: Is there any character you would like to see Adam interact with more?

Buckley: Sid (Robert Joy). I really like Sid. I think he's such a talented actor. And to be honest with you, I've never really had many scenes with Eddie.

For him to really save the day and to see a tough side to Adam, which I believe he has. I believe that if Adam's pushed, he would fight back.
Pretty please with sugar on top? *big, dewy eyes*

I could easily see some sort of storyline where Adam is kind of in the wrong place at the wrong time off-the-job and has to step up to protect someone (I think if there was a kid in trouble, Adam would instinctively react).

A lot of the reason I became a regular was because [fans of the show] responded to me and talked about me in chatrooms
(There are chatrooms? *lol*) Fangirl powah! :p

Ok, I'm done. Wow, that was actually exciting to read--great interview, Kristine! Love-love-love it. :D
Faylinn said
I have never seen AJ's episode of Supernatural, but I've seen clips and it was hilarious--I'm sure a lot of SPN fans will be happy to hear that he's going back.

YAY OMFG! :lol: See, I should really read the interviews before I come here.

He is now my favorite man in the entire world.

*goes to read the interview* :eek:

EDIT: I is back.

Great interview Kristine! It's cool how candid he is about NY and his life. He seems like such a down-to-earth kind of guy. It's good to know he has a lot of fun on the show and has many aspiriations for behind the camera. I can't wait for the conclusion to the Second Life episode--that was one of my favorites of the entire season.

YAY he'll be back on Supernatural. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. :D I love seeing former characters on that show and I was just waiting for AJ to come back--they left it a bit open during that episode and he had such a fun character.

Faylinn said
I could easily see some sort of storyline where Adam is kind of in the wrong place at the wrong time off-the-job and has to step up to protect someone (I think if there was a kid in trouble, Adam would instinctively react).

I'd love to see that too. I find the prospect of giving Adam a sort of 'hero' episode to be really cool. Plus I enjoy roles like in 'Die Hard' and I think AJ could pull off the 'ordinary guy in extraordinary circumstances' part really well.
What a sweet and lovely man - great interview Kristine, thank-you!

So refreshing to see someone so totally unaffected and honest, none of this 'Oh I'm famous so I can't talk about this' nonsense.

The continual girlfriend references made me laugh too - I think he'd definitely borrowed Flack's script.

And what is it with Carmine? He really can't be that bloody perfect. Can he??
Thanks guys! :D This one was a lot of fun to do! A.J. is a great guy.

Kimmychu said:
:lol: Funniest thing I read out of the whole interview. Can you guys imagine Carmine calling AJ cupcake? :lol: :lol: :lol: He so has a crush on Carmine. :D

:lol: Which episode was that in? "Obsession"? That was so cute. :lol:

Elsie said:
OMG! Fantastic interview. This is probably my favourite of all the interviews I have read on here. :D He seems so open and happy about his job, and he clearly loves his girlfriend a lot (although his over-use of the word 'girlfriend' kind of reminded me of Flack)! All the best to them.

Yeah, he's obviously really into her! It's so cute. :D

Oh, and he's obviously a Ceesau/Carmine fanboy! :lol: That is hilarious.

:lol: I know! That part was cute, too. I'm really curious about this song he likes so much!

There's so much detail in the interview so it's difficult to comment on it all. I'll just say I'd love to see a storyline showing Adam save the day, it would be great, and something about his father would also be good continuity. And yes, scenes between him and Sid would be gold, so I'd definitely like to see that.

Yeah, I'd love to see that, too. I hope A.J. gets his dream storyline!

lookaboomerang said:
This interview was SO needed. :) I haven't gotten giggly-excited-happy over anything CSI:NY related in a long time and I just got that same feeling I used to have about it all again.

Awww, that's great to hear! We miss you around here.

He's such a talker! :lol: Reminded me a little of a Carmine interview...who he OBVIOUSLY has a giant crush on. Holy moley! :lol:

He is a talker, which is great. It's awesome when you ask a question and the person really puts a lot of thought into the answer.

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Wow, AWESOME interview!!! I would totally think Eddie should be worried about AJ's raging Carmine crush if his love for his girlfriend weren't so apparent.

You know, I really want to know Carmine's secret. He really should share with the ladies, because apparently he knows the way to get the men gushing. :lol:

Faylinn said:

AJ's so genuine, I love it. Reading about what he did during the strike makes me a bit jealous, but I'm glad he got the chance to spend time with his girlfriend and his family and just make memories--the night on the beach in Thailand sounds phenomenal. :)

I know! In those three months, he traveled more than I have in my entire life. Way more. :lol: It sounds like it was amazing.

I knew he'd fangirl Carmine--is there anybody that doesn't love that man? :lol:

I know! :lol: Whatever it is, Carmine should bottle it. He'd make a fortune!

I'd love to see more between Adam and Mac too, and I'm hoping we get to see a bit of that this season. Having some development about Adam's past during the rest of this season would be more than this little fangirl could ask for. ;)

I'd love to see it, too. Adam and Mac had such a great dynamic in "Down the Rabbit Hole." And Adam is the perfect character to lighten Mac up a bit--he almost always manages to make Mac smile!

I could easily see some sort of storyline where Adam is kind of in the wrong place at the wrong time off-the-job and has to step up to protect someone (I think if there was a kid in trouble, Adam would instinctively react).

I'd love to see something like that for him--I think it would play great on screen, and I know A.J. would do a phenomenal job with it.

(There are chatrooms? *lol*) Fangirl powah! :p

My impression was that he meant the board because before that he said "the site"--which I put in TalkCSI so it wouldn't sound random--we'd been talking about the board a bit here and there throughout the interview. It really is cool when actors and writers say they read the site! :D

Ok, I'm done. Wow, that was actually exciting to read--great interview, Kristine! Love-love-love it. :D

Well, that is good, because you know it's dedicated to you! ;) :D

speed_cochrane said:
Great interview Kristine! It's cool how candid he is about NY and his life. He seems like such a down-to-earth kind of guy. It's good to know he has a lot of fun on the show and has many aspiriations for behind the camera. I can't wait for the conclusion to the Second Life episode--that was one of my favorites of the entire season.

I'm excited about that, too, especially since it seems like the follow-up will be set in that same sort of world. It should be cool--and perfect for Adam!

I'd love to see that too. I find the prospect of giving Adam a sort of 'hero' episode to be really cool. Plus I enjoy roles like in 'Die Hard' and I think AJ could pull off the 'ordinary guy in extraordinary circumstances' part really well.

Agreed, completely. I could kind of see a "Lab Rats" type episode, only a little more serious and obviously with only Adam really having to save the day. That would be awesome.

Twinkletoes said:
So refreshing to see someone so totally unaffected and honest, none of this 'Oh I'm famous so I can't talk about this' nonsense.

Yeah, and the best thing about it is it's so totally genuine! Some people are like, "Oh I never notice people noticing me!" as they look around and primp and fluff their hair. Not A.J. He's obviously very humble and grateful. And when someone's really talented, as he is, that's really cool.

Sorry for the ridiculously long response! :eek: I'm glad so many people are enjoying the interview!