A. J. Buckley


CSI Level One
Great interview! AJ is awesome. It's nice to know how close they are on the set, it shows on screen. Oh, and were my eyes decieving me, or did I read that Anna actually elicited an emotion from somebody through her acting? It was laughter, but still, that's news to me! ;)

It's nice to here from some of the less-developed characters and hear their feelings about where the character might go. Might there be a possibility of more interviews with some of the recurring stars? *hint*EmmanuelleandRobert*hint* :D

Thanks a lot for that, Kristine!
Adam Ross first showed up in the second season CSI: New York episode "Bad Beat". Much like another lovably nerdy lab tech did over on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Adam and the man that portrays him, <font color=yellow>A. J. Buckley</font> immediately captured the attention of the show's fans. Buckley took the time out of a busy day to talk to CSI Files' <font color=yellow>Kristine Huntley</font> about the evolution of Adam, his take on the character's social awkwardness and his other roles.

CSI Files: How did you land the role of Adam?

A.J. Buckley: It was a random thing. I worked with <font color=yellow>Pam Veasey</font> on The District years ago. I didn't know they had me in mind over on CSI: NY for the role of the tech guy. I had auditioned for CSI: Miami and booked it but before I actually did it, CSI: NY called and said they wanted me for a possible recurring role on CSI: NY. So I had to tell Miami no, and then I did NY and didn't hear anything, and then I booked another episode and it grew from there.

CSI Files: The writers have delved a little bit into Adam's background with the revelation that his father was a bully in "Some Buried Bones". Do you think we'll see more of that?

Buckley: I actually had this conversation yesterday with the writers and they said [the revelation about Adam's father being a bully] went over really well. They told me, "We just want to slowly get more into your character." He's a fun character to play. I'm used to playing really dark characters; I've done a few comedic bits here and there, but in my career I've usually been the bad guy. So it's fun to play Adam. They give you these really huge words and <font color=yellow>Antony [Zuiker</font>, CSI: NY showrunner] will say, make it funny.

CSI Files: Is that hard to do with the technical terms?

Buckley: I made the character nervous and stuttering, and when you do that, it makes you kind of nervous too. I put a lot of pressure on myself in the walk and talks, which usually finish with a big scientific term. All you're thinking about is to get the best pronunciation.

And everyone there is awesome. It's like a family over there. It starts from the top, with <font color=yellow>Gary Sinise</font> (Mac Taylor). I looked up to Gary long before I met him. He's just outstanding and so calm. <font color=yellow>Carmine [Giovinazzo</font> (Danny Messer)] and I have become close friends. We knew each other prior to the show from another movie we did together a couple of years ago (In Enemy Hands). He and I have a good banter together.

CSI Files: Like when he called you "cupcake" ("Obsession")?

Buckley:[/i] That was improv! When he said it I was walking by and I had to try not to laugh. We have a lot of fun--it's just a great group.

CSI Files: Was it your decision to make Adam a bit on the nerdy side?


To read the full interviews, please click here.<center></center>
Aww, that's so great. Kristine, I iz jealous of u! :lol:

AJ seems like a great guy, I loved reading his insight into the character, and how Adam was developed from three little lines. ;)

And shout-out to the Adam/AJ thread. He has felt the love, and returned it. :p

I must now go clean up my splodey!pants. :lol:
^I know!! Reading the AJ/Adam thread? Splodey!pants!!! Funny too about the improv line on the "cupcake" from "Obsession". Priceless.

Excellent interview, Kristine!
Let's hope he glossed over my rampant fangirlishness. *whistles innocently*

Definitely a good interview. I love the fact that it ain't easy being geeky. :lol:

Oh, and shout-out to the "pasty" whiteness, as well. Represent! :p
Alrighty, let's bump this baby back to the front page after that little fiasco yesterday. :lol:

AJ is awesome.
Why yes, I agree. ;)

And now the beta in me comes out. :lol: (Although 1CSIMfan should get credit for noticing this. ;))

Buckley: I like to disappear into characters, and in film you can disappear into a roll much more than television.
I'd like to disappear into a 'roll' of some sort with him, perhaps, but...Hehe. ;)

Not sure if there's anything else though. I didn't notice anything, but I also didn't notice that one when I first read the interview. ;)
Faylinn said:
Not sure if there's anything else though. I didn't notice anything, but I also didn't notice that one when I first read the interview. ;)

Fay you meanie! :lol:

Great interview though, he does seem like a really lovely guy! He could now be my second favourite NY actor... ;)

...splodey pants :lol:
I'm not a meanie, I'm the beta! :lol:...Ok, and maybe I'm a bit jealous of Kristine getting to do the interview. ;)

Splodey!Pants indeed, my friend. Splodey!Pants indeed. :D
Faylinn said:
I'm not a meanie, I'm the beta! :lol

Oh, OK. :lol: If it helps, I didn't notice it either. And you will have been sooo excited about AJ that I'd be surprised and impressed if you managed to get to the end before the whole !splodey pants incident. ;)

*sighs* it's nice that the cast seem to get on so well? It must be fun going to work. :)
Our director [for "Some Buried Bones"] Rob Bailey is from England and he'll always [call out] "tighter!" in his English accent. In the episode where I was wearng the vest, Carmine stuck a note to my chest that said "tighter" in big black letters so when the camera pulled out you could see it. Then Carmine stuck another thing behind the skeleton [in the lab] that said something about me. We're always joking around!

They really need to release behind-the-scenes/gag reels cause that ^^ is too funny :lol:
Great interview! AJ sounds really cool and it's great to know he's seen his thread here at Talk CSI. :D The stuff between him and Carmine on the set sounds really cute too.
Fay, this one was for you! :p ;) But thanks for catching roll/role. Will fix...

I'm glad you guys liked it! He came up with some great behind-the-scenes stuff to share. I love stories like that--it really does seem like this cast has a lot of fun. :lol:

CSI_Ali said:
Great interview! AJ is awesome. It's nice to know how close they are on the set, it shows on screen. Oh, and were my eyes decieving me, or did I read that Anna actually elicited an emotion from somebody through her acting? It was laughter, but still, that's news to me! ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It's nice to here from some of the less-developed characters and hear their feelings about where the character might go. Might there be a possibility of more interviews with some of the recurring stars? *hint*EmmanuelleandRobert*hint* :D

I hope so at some point down the road! :D I have to say, I found the interview with A.J. very enlightening because it made me realize how much of these roles really is what the actors bring to them (or don't bring to them, as the case is for some ;) ). A.J. did a pretty impressive thing with Adam--taking three lines and making a character out of them. That's a real actor.
If I'd known that you were going to interview him, I would have given you some interesting questions to ask. :devil: Hehe, just kidding. ;)

AJ is definitely an impressive actor. Who knew it was really difficult to play a bumbling, but brilliant, lab geek? :lol: He makes it look easy to spout off those technical terms and add a touch of humor to them. ;)

But I'm afraid that we've all neglected to give his beard the proper credit.

Bummfluff is my hero!

Faylinn said:
If I'd known that you were going to interview him, I would have given you some interesting questions to ask. :devil: Hehe, just kidding. ;)

:p I couldn't very well ask him if it was Adam's master plan to break up Danny and Flack. ;) :p

AJ is definitely an impressive actor. Who knew it was really difficult to play a bumbling, but brilliant, lab geek? :lol: He makes it look easy to spout off those technical terms and add a touch of humor to them. ;)

I think it's not so much that it's difficult as it is probably way more effort than most actors would put in, and I think that's the difference between someone who's average and someone who's really, really good and possibly great.

But I'm afraid that we've all neglected to give his beard the proper credit.

Bummfluff is my hero!


All hail the beard! :lol: