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  1. T

    "Play Dead" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Nick and Sara discussed who he was dating and there were 2 mentioned Lauren and Doc's neice, Nick said he was keeping his options open. Glad to hear he is dating, I just hope this is as far as it gets, just a mention every now and then.To many new characters now and their families that take away...
  2. T

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Thank you for the welcome. You can't see the color, the bulge can be seen especially when and after he gets the call from Brass. If you listen carefully he evens sort of slurs his words a little because his lower right lip is sticking out a some, but it is noticable there is something in that...
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    "Altered Stakes" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I to hope they keep Moreno, I really liked him, he seemed to fit in almost immediatly and got along with everyone he worked with. He seems to me as having the same kind sympathetic nature as Nick, maybe its just me. Anyway I really liked him. Also liked the game, good to see everyone having fun.
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    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    I had to do a double take to be sure I saw what I thought I saw. I thought something looked funny then it hit me, he has a wad in his lip, I to hope it was gum. I agree also he did look very good in the uniform.
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    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    First time poster, long time fan. Hello everyone. I noticed right off, Nick had a wad of either gum or chewing tobacco in his lip. Noticed the bulge. It is in the opening scenes.