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  1. N

    Episode 10x13 - 'Terminal Velocity' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    so, ready! I've to say: wohoo! great episode. Unfortunately I understood not all, but the story was clear for me :-D ... Eva was great! esp. at the last scene! now I've to wait until I can watch it in german :) or I have to improve my english :thumbsup:
  2. N

    Miami's Best Season

    here in Germany season 9 was interrupted. goes further in March. for me best season yet :thumbsup:
  3. N

    Episode 10x13 - 'Terminal Velocity' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    unfortunately not seen yet. yesterday it was to late :rolleyes: but today!!! I promise ... LOL -> feedback follows :lol:
  4. N

    Eva/Natalia #4: Don't Hate Her Because She's Beautiful

    I am not able to watch CBS videos too. can anyone help me please! THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!