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  1. I

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion #2 - Spoiler Scene: Do Not Cross

    I disagree. To say canon isn't up for debate seems very limited. I believe there is room for interpretation. For example, your contention that there was no evidence of a relationship between DL getting "jiggy with it" on the pool table and the night of Lucy's conception I feel is inaccurate...
  2. I

    Grade 'Means to an End'

    This episode was a big disappointment for me. I expect character-centered episodes to feature said character, but there was way too much Jo for me. Which is a risk character-centered episodes run. I like Jo, but I didn't like what this story line did to her character. She seemed so...
  3. I

    Grade 'Crushed'

    Agreed. I understand Jo's frustration with the situation and her fears and concerns, but Lindsay was clearly just trying to be a friend, and even if Jo feels Lindsay misspoke I don't understand her harsh, disrespectful and over-the-top reaction. Even when Lindsay tried to clarify her statement...
  4. I

    Grade 'Officer Involved'

    Overall I found the episode disappointing. I really adored Lindsay, and her concern and love for her husband. That was actually my favorite part of the episode. I loved her response to the situation and found it very real and believable. It was really nice to see that side of her in their...
  5. I

    Grade 'Cavallino Rampante'

    ^The writers tend to take the "easy" way out when it comes to certain plot points. They have a history of sticking the CSIs in situations that they wouldn't normally be in. I don't know a great deal about law enforcement procedures but I've always assumed the CSI team isn't actually as...
  6. I

    Grade 'Cavallino Rampante'

    There were aspects of this episode I really enjoyed! It was great to see Danny in boss mode, and I felt he handled the situation with Officer Cooper (I believe that was her name) very well. I also appreciated her response to Danny's instruction. She accepted and (I felt) even appreciated...
  7. I

    What's Your Most Favourite CSI:NY Episode(s)?

    Great question! I would have to say that my all time favorite episode is Snow Day. It just had all the elements that I look for: action, romance, character progression, suspense, and drama. Honorable mentions is a much longer list! :lol: Zoo York It's Not What It Looks Like Oedipus Hex Slight...
  8. I

    Grade 'Keep It Real'

    ^I agree. I didn't find it that unusual to be too busy at work for lunch (been there, done that--and I definitely don't do anything as important as solve crimes!). I thought it was an effective way for the writers to show how Danny's promotion has brought a change in DL's daily interaction...