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  1. C

    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Part 2

    Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par I seriously don't like where they're going with the Greg/Morgan/Nick triangle! She's pretty but I don't want her screwing up Nick and Greg's relationship (friendship) I, being a huge lover of The Love, wish to see more of...
  2. C

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    This latest episode, "CSI Down" seem like Greg liked Morgan. Like really liked her. I hope it explodes in the end and they DON'T Like each other. Greg deserves someone who he's known for a long time, someone like Nick. It SHOULD BE NICK!!! The producers and writers better bring more of THE LOVE...
  3. C

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    OH yeah! We The Love is still going strong! We still believe there will be moments where Nick and Greg realize they secretly need each other. Well, I believe that! Soon, very soon, we'll see Nick & Greg involved with each other on a case! I firmly believe that! Also, I'm kind of curious to...
  4. C

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    I was thinking the same thing, Greg was trying SO hard not to look at Nick, if it were me, I would have had trouble...Nick was looking gorgeous!:drool: I also "hated" the fact that Hodges ruined their phone conversation so concerned about Ray! STOP IT HODGES, RAY ISN'T WORTH RUINING A LOVELY...
  5. C

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Uh, these are amazing! Thank you! I wish to see MUCH more of these two on nasty cases such as this one! I have noticed that the person who writes these episodes, might be a little 'The Love' fan also. In the episodes I've seen so far, a lot of them have very obvious Love moments! xD Especially...
  6. C

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #16

    I lOVE that too! I am so glad that Nick and Greg's relationship is turning into the new Nick/Warrick friendship! I hope, no I WISH, to see more of these two. Especially on cases and I want to see LESS of Ray next season! GODD!
  7. C

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    I just finished watching that episode and I noticed something, while the boys were processing the limo, you could see that Greg and Nick's legs and feet were moving around but when the camera shows them working, they're absolutely still! I think before the camera came on them, they were doing...
  8. C

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    What episode was this from? It looks like a GREAT episode! 'Let's go baby' NICE!
  9. C

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    I definitely want to see more moments between Nick, Greg, Hodges and Henry. Henry and Hodges make the two flirty boys more... flirty with each other! :D MORE *bangs fist* NOW! hehehehe
  10. C

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    *waves* Hi! Thank you for welcome! :thumbsup: When I first saw that little 'tongue action' I missed it and had to keep playing it over and over. (Well, I also just went back because it was a hot conversation between the two) People think we're crazy?! Seriously?! They're crazy for not seeing...
  11. C

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    OH yeah, definitely! God, I just love their sexual moments! It makes me crazy! literally! Yeah, I think Hodges is kind of jealous of Nick and Greg's relationship but I don't think Hodges should make 'Don't-trust-me-with our future earning' comments to Nick when Greg is standing right next to...
  12. C

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Hello, I am new to this community and GOD am I glad I joined just in time to talk about the latest episode! WOW, I couldn't believe how much sexual tension our boys had! Wow, they're even more flirty with Hodges around and Henry too! First off: Henry was staring at Aww at the board where there...