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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ I think he wore it in Timebomb and F-T-F although I'm not too sure... It looks good on him though :lol:
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ I totally agree. My Dad and I were watching it and we both shook our heads when her boyfriend came in. We both thought it was a real low-blow. She had so many chances to tell Ryan and she didn't, even though it was quite obvious that...
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ Thanks greatfan :thumbsup: My fav is the second pic :drool: It's the perfect angle and facial expression :)..... *sigh* he's too good looking for his own good ;)
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ ^^ I love the purple t-shirt, although he looks good in lots of things :rolleyes:
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ Poor Togo! He looks so sad :( Btw thanks for sharing the pic :) and thank your friend for sending it to you; it's such a sad picture, I think he needs a hug :P the only other time I've seen one of Togo's characters cry was in...
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ Oops sorry , I understand what you're saying now and I see that too.
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Yeah I think it would have been so much better if he was there a bit more, he has seniority over Jesse but yet he was pushed side. It seems the writers sometimes have major issues writing scenes and seasons, although this season is pretty good, it's like they're making up for past seasons.
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ The one with the bear is Bone Voyage. I think it was the crossover. That was hilarious and brilliant :) I loved the chemistry between Ryan Walter and Jesse especially when they poked fun at each other :lol: It was a complete bromance...
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ Personally I would go for Season 3 Under The Influence, The first episode he was in XD but thats just me or maybe season 8 cause they seemed to be really funny and entertaining :)
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    Ryan/Jon #30: 'Intensity is Sexy'

    Lol Tell me about it. My dada and brothers saw me squeal and start rolling on the floor XD I guess it would be a good idea to have a doctor present while watching CSI:Miami with someone as handsome as Togo :P :)
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    Ryan/Jon #30: 'Intensity is Sexy'

    Even Though There Wasn't a lot of Ryan....It.Was.Sweet. XD
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    Episode 10x03 - 'Blown Away' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Yeah I am Super excited to see this eppy! When I watched that sneak peek, I had such a heart attck that my whole family watched it whether they wanted to or not XD
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    Which Female and Male Characters are your favourite?

    Favorite female character is, actually it's Alexx Woods the old medical examiner, but I guess I would have to say Calleigh Duquesne Just cause she's really up front and someone that you would wanna be around. My fav male character..... Actually I have two :P Travors because he's so sweet and...
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    Ryan/Jon #30: 'Intensity is Sexy'

    I Dunno If This Might Be A Spoiler Or If Anyone Else Posted This But It's Another Blown Away Promo Like 4 Seconds Longer Lol
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    Ryan/Jon #30: 'Intensity is Sexy'

    Even though I have an account here, I usually just like to look at the threads but this time I had to comment! That episode is gonna be so epic I think all us Wolfe Fans are gonna have a to make sure a doctor is nearby XD although I am pretty sure we'd enjoy having our hero in a major...
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Lol it probably was green, but my tv was acting a little strange so I took a wild guess :lol: either way, it looked fantastic ;)
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    The Episode "Hunting Ground" Was so epic! Togo in a blue t-shirt, with some comedy and he was bad too. That made my entire week :P Frank, Natalia, Horatio and Walter were all great in this episode! Everyone had their moments. Although I kinda wish Eric and Calleigh had a little more screentime...
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    I loved the episode! I thought that Wolfe was sooo funny and really hot! I couldn't stop laughing when he did the eye examination and when he did the tour guide thing :P
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    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    Yup! Congrats! Your turn Marymagdalen :)
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    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    Yay! Thanks! Okay Here's The Quote: X: 1: Oh, and that's the IP address 2: You're catching on that's cute