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  1. M

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    There is something that bothers me. A character like Christine could just so be transported into Star Trek, where she would be a Holodeck fantasy, programmed by Captain Mac Taylor. And everyone would freak because that would be sexist and degrading for both Christine and Mac. Shouldn't TPTB...
  2. M

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    If you meant my post, I think that Christine as a charcter has no identity other than to fulfill whatever need Mac may have. What do we know about her other than that she sits alone in a closed reataurant and is always available when Mac comes around to talk? She is blond, no special features...
  3. M

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    So a crossover with the least appealing member of the show, and his cardboard girlfriend is missing as a plotbunny. Wow - how many intruiging possibilities were just wasted...
  4. M

    Grade 'Late Admissions'

    Pretty boring. It does not help that I found the conversations between Lindsay and her father immature/basic. She is a married woman with child for a long time now but it seems like she still tries to find out what to do with her life, still feels that she could do better. That makes the...
  5. M

    Grade 'CLUE:SI'

    I liked the episode a lot, but had to skip over all the Mac/Christine stuff in order to watch. Everything about this pairing seems wooden and forced, I can't see any chemistry and Christine is a cardboard of a character, constructed as whatever Mac supposedly would need, without anything "own"...
  6. M

    Grade 'Unwrapped'

    I don't get the Mac/Christine dynamic at all and it gets on my nerves how much time per episode is wasted on that awkward mess. It's all so unsexy.
  7. M

    Grade 'Kill Screen'

    Yes, it certainly looks like this.
  8. M

    Grade 'Kill Screen'

    Maybe it was just me but most of the cast phoned their lines in, everyone seemed rather tired. The case was, well, lame. What really annoyed me was the ending. For people who regulary have to do with victims and always seem to care, the ego-shooting, kill-them-all enthusiasm seemed out of...
  9. M

    "Tell Tale Hearts" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I'm suprised how much I liked this one and the season premiere and against my expectations TD is simply great. LF is a fine movie actor, but for the TV format TD is a far better fit. Good ensemble feel, everyone had a scene. The overall atmosphere is much lighter, less broody and dark. I...
  10. M

    Replacements for LF & MH - Who would you like?

    Ted Danson? Now really, that sounds like silly idea, at least to me. But what do I know? Cheers! When I read it, I felt that the shark had just jumped. What casting stunt is that?
  11. M

    Is 'New York' Facing Cancellation?

    Hello, I don't see either how the show can survive MKs leaving - and the "ancient" other show faces an even bigger problem if Marg Helgenberger really leaves after season 11. Personally, I will not watch CSINY after the last show with MK airs over here, I feel that SW is totally wrong in that...