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  1. S

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

    rhee52 - No, Thank you! I appreciate people watching it, more than I can say. So that you like it, really makes me happy!! CSIMiamiLover88 - Oh! Well that makes me feel better, hehe. I was worried that I'd made it look like they'd lost something when really, it was a realization that they'd...
  2. S

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

    Wow, thanks guys! I'm really happy that I could make you smile! That's what the who ideas of Music Videos is, afterall, right? ec4ever - Spirit lifting is the best feeling! I'm so glad I could do that for you. Because I know that a lot of people have been feeling lately that there are too many...
  3. S

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

    Hey guys, I noticed after reading...(well, granted, I only had time to really read a page) but I noticed that people are feeling a little dejected, feeling a little determined that Eric and Calleigh are fine! I'm sure they're fine, because what I read in the moment in 8x05 was that (and though I...
  4. S

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

    Hello everyone! I thought I should just jump in and introduce myself because I am a big fan of Eric/Calleigh and I know that I've seen a few of you around on and youtube, and thought it'd be pretty interesting if I finally relented and came over here. I know with all the spoilers going...