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  1. shippyangel

    Melina Kanakaredes Leaves CSI: NY

    I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! :(
  2. shippyangel

    The Closer

  3. shippyangel

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    i haven't been here in ages... but i've just watched to this ( interview - melina @ the bonnie hunt show - i believe someone already posted the link... well, anyway. i just felt like sharing the obvious: what an amazing person she is... i'm not...
  4. shippyangel

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    MORE THAN WELCOME! i can't for next eppy... stella just looks so sexy when she's walking thru that court room and i'm kinda hoping for a little argument with mac... sorry but i love it when they argue! lets see! happy 2010 everybody! sorry i'm late, it's been awhile since i was last here... x
  5. shippyangel

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    ok, reasons to (re)watch mac taylor in "second chances" #1 leather jacket - :drool: what was THAT!?!?! my heart rating went nearly critical! :D #2 flirty mood - hmm i definitely like taylor flirting... teasing stella... #3 his smile - @ the end of the eppy, watching the kids getting their...
  6. shippyangel

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    hello, everybody!   what / who is shippy? :rolleyes: btw, i just LMAO while reading both of your posts... ALWAYS! which makes me wonder how much fun i'd have watching you guys talking face to face! LOL just came here to say that :drool: i just WOWed stella wearing thight jeans in the...
  7. shippyangel

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    HI FAMILE MEMBERS! i've just watched the eppy and i really have to share my thoughts... that first scene!? omg, so cute! i really had the feeling that they were together already, honestly! they looked like a couple! and when mac says "WE have work tomorrow" i was reminded of that scene when...
  8. shippyangel

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    darling, THANKS for those caps!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and all of you who have been saying your thoughts about the eppy!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE EPPY!!!!!!!!! IM SOOO ENVIOUS OF YA ALL (a good kind, i swear LOL) !!!!!!!!!!!! omg, may i be cool to think that i'm gonna have a good time watching...
  9. shippyangel

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    SO DAMN CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE! ;D and melina looks stunningly beautiful in the 3rd pic < > !!!
  10. shippyangel

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    hey, stellarinas! long time, no see.... hope everyone's doing okay. i was wondering if anyone here would have a picture where we get to see melina's legs? i've been kinda curious... in positive case, post here, please? miss you guys! ;*
  11. shippyangel

    Gary #6: Renaissance Man (cause he can do everything)

    hmmm thank u girls 4 so many hot pics!!!! this one is a classic here but i just had to share it with u ;) "hey girls i think i need some help with washing my back" any volunteers?! *evil grin* ;)
  12. shippyangel

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    hi, taylor girls! ;) how are you all?! it's been a long time since i was last here... gosh, been missing this place A LOT! just really wanted to say "hi" and post a pic, coz i've got a tons of stuff to finish @ work! ;P look at his arms..... yummmy!!! ;)
  13. shippyangel

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    HELLO FAMILLY!!! omg, kids!! i can't wait to watch the new eppy!!!!!! :D are you sure i can except a nice and sweet smacked episode?! something in the line of the looks in grounds for deception? omg omg omg!!!!!! i wish i could watch it RIGHT NOW!!!!! so tell me.... is our smacked BACK?! i've...
  14. shippyangel

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    Re: Mac #8: we need a name new thread for us, mac-a-holics!!! i'm so excited!!!
  15. shippyangel

    Gary #6: Renaissance Man (cause he can do everything)

    these are his kids, aren't they?
  16. shippyangel

    Gary #6: Renaissance Man (cause he can do everything)

    THANKS FOR THOSE PICS, SAM!!!!!!!!! you rooooock! btw, i've seen your smacked vids! YOU ARE SO FRICKING AWESOME! i'm oficially your FAN! ;D
  17. shippyangel

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    i can't believe we're back to this adam/stella thing! (sorry, guys, for mentioning it, but i can't help it since it was in the episode). well, i haven't watched it yet, but from your comments on it... damn, AGAIN? i can't quite figure out what these guys are up to. one moment, there are those...
  18. shippyangel

    The Smacked Soundtrack Thread #2

    Re: The Smacked Sountrack Thread #2 i have debated with myself whether or not to post this song... because it's brazilian and i didn't know if you would appreciate that! i'll put the translation... and honestly i just HAD TO share it with you. i was playing it with my friends in a beach-party...
  19. shippyangel

    Gary #6: Renaissance Man (cause he can do everything)

    hi, gary-aholics! (haha i abolutely loved that term! LOL it's just sooo true!) i'm not here to post any pics... just to see them AND THANK YOU FOR! gosh, i simply drown in his pics! you guys are awesome!!! other than that, i just wanted to say HOW MUCH GARY KICKED BUTTS in this last episode...
  20. shippyangel

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEBBIE!!!!!!!!!!!! you deserve THE BEST! i so wanna see this last eppy, especially now with all the tips your guys are giving to me!!!! omg, are they back, REALLY?! i just can't believe it! from the pics (btw, THANK YOU GUYS FOR POSTING!) i can already say they are holding the...