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  1. S

    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Part 2

    Re: The Great Ship Debate -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Part 2 Naren Shankar and Carol Mendelsohn did say in the interview they gave to Ausiello/EW that "they are absolutely together." I know things are subject to change, but I'm taking them at their word as far as this goes. That, of...
  2. S

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

    What about Catherine's use of blood evidence from a case to establish her own paternity, a misuse that got the case thrown out of court? That would have definitely caused a CSI IRL to be fired, and possibly open them up to civil and criminal penalties. Blowing up the lab was an accident, but she...
  3. S

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

    Oh, sure, Jorja was never in any independent films (Memento, Food for the Heart) or you know, two hit TV shows before CSI (ever hear of ER or the West Wing?) I apologize for the sarcasm, but your post was not only nasty, but inaccurate. (And it was Sara who pined for Grissom, not Jorja.) I...
  4. S

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    It's working fine for me, I'm not sure why it's not working for you? But it is still there. And the last quote is from "Time of Your Death," season 6. :) I have one: "I don't need one. I have you." Whoops - I made a mistake on that one! See below!
  5. S

    CSI: The Movie

    speedystokesgirl, You're right, I apologize. I was trying to cut the quotes to be more specific about what I was responding to, and I made an error.
  6. S

    CSI: The Movie

    I had to chime in - I agree. No one whined about it here... and no one said you had to go to the other website. I can't imagine why you would. Now I know why very few GSR fans feel comfortable here. I know I don't. As for the movie I'd hope it would be a team effort - both the original...
  7. S

    Now That Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Are Gone

    Jorja's stunt was reported in several newspapers including the Toronto Star in my town as well as the New York Times. She was also acting up many, many times that past year wanting more screentime and for GSR to be written a certain way.