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  1. GotGameFAn

    Caption Game Miami Style Pt. 4

    LOL, #6.
  2. GotGameFAn

    Caption Game Miami Style Pt. 4

    Calleigh: Okay, so explain to me how your "dog" shot the victim.
  3. GotGameFAn

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    Totally agree to this. ~ Too bad there'll be a chance of her continuing the show, though. I'd hate to see characters that are actually worth it die. :brickwall: And IDK if it's just me, but the show was actually nice while Eric was gone. ~ No crappy dramas, no cheesy scenes; just...CSI: Miami...
  4. GotGameFAn

    Caption Game Miami Style Pt. 4

    ROFL, I'll have a go at this. (: Horatio: Just wait and stand here. Don't drop the camera. Ryan (off-screen): So what's Horatio doing again? Eric (off-screen): Trying to pick up some girls. :lol: Ryan (off-screen): Pssh, like that's gonna happen. :lol: Meanwhile, Horatio introduces himself to...
  5. GotGameFAn

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    TBH, this ship is starting to feel like another Danny/Lindsay thing. (No offense to you, Danny/Lindsay fans.) Anyway, it seems fake. To me, they're kind of forcing each other to have a spark and that's kind of, IDK, a turn-off for me I guess. :lol: Plus, CSI: Miami writers are taking this...
  6. GotGameFAn

    I Have A CSI Music question.

    Anybody know the title of the song in Help? It was played when Danny was examining the shoe.
  7. GotGameFAn

    Why do you hate Lindsay

    I find her very annoying when she gets whiny over little things. Have you seen Like Water For Murder? She left the lab because it was "hard" to talk to Danny. I found that very immature for a CSI. Correct me if it wasn't Like Water For Murder, please. She made Danny her own puppet, too. Carmine...
  8. GotGameFAn

    Big Season Finale Spoiler *MAJOR SPOILER*

    Mac: I highly doubt that he'd be out. He has a lot of major storylines, and you can't just throw a storyline at him and the next episode kill him. Stella: One of the possible suspects, but I don't think she'd be out. Danny: Even if stupid storylines were thrown at him, he still remains a...
  9. GotGameFAn

    Best villians

    I loved Suspect X. I don't really know why though. I loved the chase scene with Mac; especially after she got shot. She said something about killing people because she knows they are going to a better place.
  10. GotGameFAn

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #5

    Put Your Records On - Corinne Bailey Rae Run - Leona Lewis Opposites Attract - Paula Abdul Dance Like There's No Tomorrow - Paula Abdul A Little Too Not Over You - David Archuleta Thinking of You - Katy Perry Alone - Heart Halo - Beyoncé My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson...
  11. GotGameFAn

    CSI:NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

    I wish it was a funeral. x| They should've just hid Belknap's pregnancy from everyone. Coz I feel like the show has done things it never meant to do. And I swear if Lindsay gives birth in the friggin lab I'd die. ;-;
  12. GotGameFAn

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    You know you're addicted to CSI: NY when you start planning your life in New York. You decide to become a homicide detective or a forensics scientist and you are now learning a lot of stuff about the NYPD, fingerprints and sodium hypochlorite.
  13. GotGameFAn

    Baby Messer ***possible spoliers***

    I highly doubt that Lindsay's 27. xD
  14. GotGameFAn

    Baby Messer ***possible spoliers***

    Carmine's 35 while Anna's 36.
  15. GotGameFAn

    CSI: New York Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    It's okay. I like it. ;3
  16. GotGameFAn

    CSI: New York Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    I like the first one. :3 Maybe add something about the creepy place? I loved that scene.
  17. GotGameFAn

    Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

    Oh, Jesus I hope not. That'll be another storyline. -_- What's next, Lindsay giving birth in the lab?
  18. GotGameFAn

    CSI: New York Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    I know this is pretty random but can someone make me a Sid icon when you have the time? He's my second fave male character. ^w^
  19. GotGameFAn

    Pitch us the next CSI spin-off!!!!

    CSI: Houston? Starring Bella Carbonara and Ratio Mane.
  20. GotGameFAn

    Baby Messer ***possible spoliers***

    I'd seriously go to TPTB and punch them hard in the face if Lindsay would give birth in the friggin lab.